Dying woman with terminal breast cancer prosecuted for not paying for TV licence

Dying woman with terminal breast cancer prosecuted for not paying for TV licence


by Fox_9810

  1. The Post Office prosecuting their own workers.

    The BBC outsourcing to Capita to go after cancer sufferers.

    Train companies branding children molesters for having their feet on a train seat.

    What do these all have in common?

    Private Prosecutions

    (And two out of three use SJP to fast track profit)

    There’s no excuse for private prosecutions anymore. Even America has got rid of them – when will we?

  2. Crapita (TV licence) were the worse company I had to deal with when my parents died. If I wrote the saga it wouldn’t be believed.

  3. How do people actually get prosecuted for not paying for the TV License?

    Assuming you just tell them to fuck off, they can’t enter your property. Even if they could, what are they going to do? Hide the remotes lol.

    Can they get a court order to enter the property? If they can, what are they even legally allowed to do whilst inside?

    (To clarify I’m not taking the piss out of the situation, just genuinely curious)

  4. Get rid of TV licensing, get rid of the BBC, get rid of capita. They are just scum for the way they do this sort of shit to people..

  5. Never let them in. They have no legal right to enter your property. Shut the door. They have to prove you are watching TV without a license. They can’t do that if they never enter the property.

  6. Isn’t there a guy that’s been posting letters from TV licensing since like 2006 somewhere? They’re auto generated scare letters with intimidating language that just seem to go in a loop designed to frighten the vulnerable, but he’s managed to ignore them for 18 years and they still keep doing it, but nothing has happened.

  7. Tristan Kirk is a journalist who [recently won Private Eye’s Paul Foot award](https://www.private-eye.co.uk/issue-1625/paul-foot-award) for his reporting at The Standard on the Single Justice procedure.

    He spoke about his work on the [Page 94 podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/page-94-the-private-eye-podcast/id973958702?i=1000657941113) which included TV licensing prosecutions.

    SJP is a ridiculous and highly flawed system. It treats the law and judgements as black and white, without any context.

    You didn’t pay your TV license? Yes, that’s technically breaking the law.

    You didn’t pay your TV license because you were recovering from a serious medical condition or other legitimate reason that should be taken into account? Unless it’s in that folder, tough shit.

    I wouldn’t buy a house solely on what was in the listing without looking at it. So why do we sentence people without doing any follow up. Ridiculous.

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