Viktor Orban provokes EU anger with trip to meet Putin in Moscow

Viktor Orban provokes EU anger with trip to meet Putin in Moscow

by TheTelegraph

  1. **From The Telegraph’s Brussels Correspondent, Joe Barnes:**

    [Hungary’s prime minister]( has sparked anger in the EU by agreeing to meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow, in what appears to be an attempt [to negotiate on Ukraine](

    Viktor Orban’s trip was reported by an investigative journalist and confirmed by various EU and Hungarian officials, one of whom told Radio Free Europe it would be happening on Friday.

    Mr Orban and the Russian president enjoy a close relationship, having met twice [since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022](

    However, the plan struck a nerve among European diplomats because of its timing. Mr Orban – who recently held talks with Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine – has just assumed the six-month rotating presidency of the bloc.

    “The EU rotating presidency has no mandate to engage with Russia on behalf of the EU,” said [Charles Michel, the European Council’s president.](

    “The European Council is clear: Russia is the aggressor, Ukraine is the victim. No discussions about Ukraine can take place without Ukraine.”

    The planned visit to Moscow would be the first by an EU leader since Karl Nehammer, Austria’s chancellor, made an unsuccessful bid to broker peace in April 2022.

    The trip was met with disbelief by other EU leaders. [Donald Tusk, Poland’s primę minister](, wrote on social media: “The rumours about your visit to Moscow cannot be true, PM Viktor Orban, or can they?”

    # Ceasefire

    Mr Orban, considered to be Putin’s closest ally in Europe, made a surprise visit to Kyiv this week and [provocatively called for Ukraine]( to accept a ceasefire with Russia before the start of full peace negotiations with Moscow.

    That set him at odds with other Western leaders, who have backed [Mr Zelensky’s ambition for a full Russian withdrawal]( from occupied areas of Ukraine and Crimea before any talks.

    **Article Link:** [](

  2. It’s time to article 7 Hungary. It’s clear that they don’t align with the EU anymore and need their veto rights stripped

  3. You can’t blame him. It was time for his cock sucking session with Putler

  4. He is going there to ask what will be the strategy going foward to sabotage the EU, now that Hungary chairs the European Council.

  5. I really want to know what these leaders receive from the Kremlin, why are they so mentally destroyed? Is it about money? What can the Kremlin promise to manipulate countries like Hungary, which is not exactly the poorest country, which means that in the end it is effectively an evil directed against you and your population..

  6. And just when we thought we couldn’t hate the guy any more… Jesus FC, for the love of God – can we please just fast forward to when putin shoots himself in a bunker already.

  7. Viktor the traitor does exactly what is expected of him. He should have never been given this post and I sincerely hope that Hungarians will wake up to the fact that this guy does not have their interests at heart (only his own, he sees himself as absolute ruler of a reboot of Hungary assuming he can help Putin win in Ukraine). Ultimately it would be good for the EU if these sort of missteps would have more serious sanctions.

  8. Don’t see an issue with this. Talking is a good thing. And yes Ukraine should accept the ceasefire. They have no hope of winning and the longer this war drags on the higher the risk of escalation.

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