

by Dolemite-is-My-Name

  1. While ~~48~~ 10 seats remain alive, we will not submit in the slightest measure, to the domination of the English. We do not fight for honour, riches, or glory, but solely for ~~freedom~~ camper vans which no true man gives up but with his life.

  2. Yes let’s get back to being ruled by England Thank God imagine Scotland being ruled by Scots. Hahahaha….. The very thought…

    Being independent and wealthy like Norway ❌

    Able to live, work and retire in the EU ❌

    A proud nation again ❌

    An Englishman in charge ✔️

    Out of Europe ✔️

    Being dependent and laughed at internationally ✔️

  3. The exit poll only has a small number of sampling points in Scotland. If the poll has even slightly overestimated Labour’s advantage over the SNP, the latter’s tally could end up being higher.

    The forecast for the SNP – and for Scotland in general, where the exit poll is pointing to substantial Labour gains – must thus be treated with a great deal of caution.

  4. Unfortunately people have short memories.

    If you hate the Tories so much then why would you vote for the party who put themselves on the front page of every newspaper side by side with them to sell Scotland down the river in 2014. They were “Better together” with their Tory pals. For as long as I live, I will never vote Labour.

  5. A strange one. I do get the hate for the SNP, but in comparison with the rest, what do we gain? To be clear, I’m a ‘raging leftie’, and I am somewhat a disenfranchised voter, especially living down south. I’m delighted the Tories are out. Yet, I don’t see a champion for Scotland in Starmer; the SNP for all their faults (there are many), they put Scotland first – Anas Sarwar is not the answer.

  6. I was so indecisive when I got to the booth I voted SNP out of habit 😂

    It was between snp, greens and labour for me…. But I’m hesitant to choose an anti-independence party…

    And yeh… voted out of habit 😅

  7. The pundits on sky spoke about the polling in Scotland has much wider margins than anywhere else in the UK due to smaller sampling populations. So it could look even worse or totally fine for SNP.

  8. Scotland’s political identity crisis lurches onwards into a new era of being controlled by English people in Westminster


  9. My exit poll result is “I didn’t get to vote”.

    I’m on holiday and my postal vote didn’t arrive on time. I applied at the same time as my wife and hers did arrive.

  10. Not especially strange or surprising.

    What it is, is a massive wakeup call to the SNP, voters are either voicing their displeasure or simply staying at home/spoiling ballots.

    Swinney is a steady hand to keep the wheels moving without major drama but lacks the charisma of Salmond/Sturgeon.

    Flynn looks ideal to take over.

    What is needed is a refocus on the main reason people vote for them.

    And for all the rabid yoons, the SNP are not the independence movement, they are two separate things.

  11. Am looking forward to labour reinstating uni fees no free bus passes prescription charges and everything else then watch all the fuckers really whine

  12. We have seen what brexit has done to the United Kingdom, don’t let Scotland suffer the same fate

  13. Oh aye, nothing like having a smaller voice in Westminster. If your expecting the Scottish branch office of labour to stand up to their boss in London when labour start shitting on Scotland your fucking dreaming.

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