The German Far-right is getting creative I see…

"No foreskin, no asile !"

by WelpImTrapped

  1. And he’s personally responsible for checking it at entrance 

    He even got his lil goggles ready to do so 

  2. He’s excited for all the foreskins he gets to check. That’s right, no girls allowed! Very straight conservative foreskin enjoying session among straight conservative men.

  3. Einfaches Asyl – €50

    Mehrfach Asyl – €90

    Mit Gefühl – €200 extra

  4. He’s not wrong.

    I mean we all have seen other penises.

    It’s been a while since I saw another man’s in real life. I’m only somewhat okay with seeing my own.
    So I just see other penises in porn. Accidentally, because I don’t want to.

    A circumsised one: fuck me that looks horrible. I instantly feel that pain.

    Also penises aren’t great to look at in general, but cut ones are really disgusting

  5. Bastards like him should be circumcised with garden shears and dropped off in a third world war zone.

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