Tim Collins allegedly concedes North Down, saying the electorate are “not interested in international affairs – they’re interested in potholes & hedges”

Good to see a bit of class in defeat/s

by ChemicalOpposite1471

  1. Classless, I’m far from an Easton supporter but glad I don’t live in an era Collins’s officer class govern NI

  2. Turns out most people elect MPs they think will look after…checks notes…local issues in the constituency.

    Did he think he was in the running for UN secretary general from Bangor Castle?

  3. Christ… Tim Collins took his defeat badly. Apprantly everyone in Northern Ireland is stupid according to him… even though it was only the people of North Down that actually decided his fate. So fuck you Tim you absolute ballbag… shame I thought he was alright up until that. Don’t let us stupid people delay you from disappearing back to London.

  4. Ah yes because a North Down MP is such a heavyweight on the international geopolitics scene .


  5. Dip shit, people care about what affects their daily lives. If you, a *local MP*, are unable/unwilling to prioritise that, then they aren’t gonna vote for you. Bro just wanted his big boy seat in Westminster so he could look down on the plebeians

  6. >It’s Northern Ireland, they don’t understand these things.

    If only you had a chance to make us understand “these things”.

    Also, I don’t think it’s Northern Ireland who doesn’t understand these things. “The lady doth protest too much”?

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