Berichten zufolge wird Rishi Sunak am Freitagmorgen als Vorsitzender der Konservativen Partei zurücktreten

Berichten zufolge wird Rishi Sunak am Freitagmorgen als Vorsitzender der Konservativen Partei zurücktreten

  1. That’s too bad. He’ll spend the rest of his life living in luxury. Unlike his victims.

  2. Rishi Sunak’s resignation as Conservative Party leader is the latest plot twist in political drama, proving that in Westminster, the only thing more unpredictable than British weather is a Tory leadership tenure.

  3. Brilliant photo! Love photogs who “innocently” pull off these mocking shots…

  4. He tried to right a sinking ship and failed (as expected). Now he has free time with money to spare (at tax payers expense).

  5. Honestly, how is this news? He has just led the Tories to one of their worst ever defeats. If he wanted to stay on, that would be news. Resigning is just an inevitability.

  6. He’s got a cushy job waiting for him in California and is married to an extremely wealthy woman… he’ll be okay.

  7. Now we just have to wait until the rest of the far-right takes their turn in the EU, US and Canada (whose left also needs a serious overhaul). Similar to the UK, only after people realize these grifters don’t actually act in the interest of anyone but themselves and their rich buddies, perhaps the world can return to some level of normalcy where the average person can actually save money, buy a house, and start a family.

    It’s going to be a rough few years.

  8. Excellent news. Now let’s try to fix the NHS and some of the Brexit bullshit.

  9. What a loss he will be in terms of….what qualities does he have again?

  10. Damn, the photo heading this story sure does give an emotional spin to what is otherwise a very dry reporting of the facts. Nice job, Birmingham Mail photograph chooser.

  11. How’s the lettuce looking these days? still in the running after beating Truss? might still be a good replacement even if it is all wilty

  12. how many prime ministers have resigned in the last 15 years of their power?

  13. They purposely chose the picture that made him look like Mickey Mouse, right?

  14. 🎶 we’ll meet again, don’t know where don’t know when, but we’ll meet again some sunny day ☀️ 👋 🎶

  15. Just proves he wasn’t arsed to begin with, he’s done the big job now so time to fuck off to the next project

    No commitment to wanting to improve anything in the country other than opportunities for himself

    I know it’s bleak but I’d have more respect for him if he actually behaved like a leader and at least attempt to restore a semblance of credibility to the party rather than abandoning ship

  16. It’s hard to be Conservative party leader from your mansion in California.

  17. Him and his mates have made enough money, so now they will start fleeing the country while it collapses in their wake.

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