Barry got rid of the gamblers

Barry got rid of the gamblers

by byfrax

  1. Congratulations Barry. I also can’t stand listening to those lying corrupt thief cunts. Cheers. Bring back tarring and feathering 2024

  2. Still can’t imagine looking at the last 14 years and thinking “yes I’ll have some more of that”

  3. All the continent goes far-right –> “you know what? Fuck ’em. Full Labour is the answer.”

    I like UK politics.

  4. Only 13 Reform?

    Guess we should encourage some migration to your island.

  5. It’s weird to see Brits act reasonable. They aren’t even the most worse fanbase in the euros. Wtf is happening

  6. Shout out to Ed Davey the Liberal Democrat leader.

    Everyone else ran a serious campaign. He just fucked about for 6 weeks and he’s delivered the Lib Dems best result in god knows how long.

  7. 131 is too many fucking seats in all honesty. Maybe the continentals are right. Perhaps a lot of us are special needs .

  8. How those stinking cunts are even predicted to get 131 seats is a miracle to me

  9. Finally I can stop being embarrassed every fucking year by the shit political situation.

    The UK has got a lot of work to do to rebuild its reputation. This is the first step.

    That Reform vote is fucking nauseating though.

  10. Ok but does than mean we have to suffer a decade and a half of the far right before we might see the left again ?

    I’m worried abour my elections now

  11. I’m going to test the new Safe Injection vans in Glasgow and dream of a world Yes won in 2014

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