Azov is always fighting non-stop against the Russian Military

Azov is always fighting non-stop against the Russian Military

by JagerReich

  1. Russia being shocked that Ukrainian nationalist groups have formed after committing genocide against the Ukrainian people :O

  2. I don’t know about these guys “supposedly” not being filed with Neo-Nazis anymore….

  3. What are all these vatnik bots doing on reddit shouldn’t you be reading the gulag archipelago again.

  4. I will say they are churning out enough propaganda that I have to wonder what the fuck….Then I see what their Drone Operators are doing and begrudgingly accept it because at least they are fighting Invaders.

  5. I don’t think they are filled with Nazis anymore. The US vetted Azov and now eligible to receive American weapons.

  6. One of the best fighters in the Ukrainian army. All volunteers from the start. Slava AZOV! Slava Ukraini!

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