Since when was big Jim such a big fan of ending colonial rule?

Since when was big Jim such a big fan of ending colonial rule?

Since when was big Jim such a big fan of ending colonial rule?
byu/Intelligent_Mud_6911 innorthernireland

by Intelligent_Mud_6911

  1. Poor bastards in Parliament are going to have to listen to him, I almost feel sorry for them

  2. I just heard this on they way into work and burst out laughing! He really can’t see beyond his own beetroot bitterness.

  3. He’s either trolling or suffers from an unbelievable lack of self awareness.

  4. AI generated surely, very dangerous considering people seem to actually be believing this.

  5. Ok so the UUP and the TUV both took seats from the DUP. Unionist, ironically, looks more divided than ever while the nationalists parties seem to be holding steady

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