Jeremy Corbyn nach seinem Ausschluss aus der Labour-Partei in Islington North wiedergewählt

Jeremy Corbyn nach seinem Ausschluss aus der Labour-Partei in Islington North wiedergewählt

  1. The antisemitic communist? Literally why would you ever put this man in power again?

  2. Corbyn has been demonized for years for increasingly blithe and inane reasons. His policies seem fair, and I’d always got the impression as an American looking in that it was by design as a excuse to keep a real leftist from squaring up against the Tory’s. Whether or not there’s any truth to it, I’d like to think this is a good sign

  3. I know little about Jeremy Corbyn, being an American. But I do know he has advocated for the dissolution of NATO and does not support arming Ukraine.

    I am more than happy seeing conservatives lose, even more so when it seems the opposite is going to happen in France, but these two points seriously concern me. British leadership looking to abandon their allies with possible combination of another Trump presidency sounds horrifying for the democracies of the world as we stare down expansionist Russian aggression.

  4. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. It would’ve been sooooo sooooo funny.

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