Former PM Truss Loses Seat

Former PM Truss Loses Seat

by Alert-One-Two

  1. We can’t do posts for every Tory who loses because the sub would be flooded but I thought this one deserved to have one. Oh the downfall…

  2. The first former Prime Minister to have lost their seat in more than 100 years. Fitting end for her.

  3. I love democracy

    …Slightly disappointed there wasn’t a joke candidate dressed as a Lettuce.

  4. This was hilarious. I loved how the BBC just zoomed in on her face while the results were being announced. It was by such a small margin too! We’re incredibly lucky. I bet she’s going to blame this all on the deep state again.

  5. I reckon she wasn’t gonna come out and some member of her team convinced her to. Good riddance.

  6. Lost by only 600 votes! I know people are saying how massive a swing it was but I’m honestly shocked at how close it was for her to stay.

  7. Well we’ve had Baked beans man best Jacob Reece mogg, so “decomposing lettuce girl” doesn’t seem that far fetched.

  8. Although with no incumbent former PMs, Uxbridge and Maidenhead also flipped.

    I only just found out Theresa May was no longer Maidenhead MP, and went googling, thinking ‘woo! *two* former Tory PMs out’ but nope, she was already gone

  9. Abhorrent performance by Liz, even on the day of her downfall… She could’ve accepted defeat gracefully but nope.

    Turn up late, delay the reading, get up, don’t shake anyone’s hand accept for the new Labour winner who forced her, she just walks off doesn’t give a speech, doesn’t say anything to press, just wake up late, lose the election, get outta’ there. Probably just fucking off to the US first flight to hang out with some MAGA lot.

  10. Fully deserved. Now fuck off to America and chase your Bannon-bucks you worthless POS.

  11. I’m disappointed we were denied one last bitter rant about the anti-growth coalition. 

    AGC 4 lyf. 

  12. She nearly refused to come to the stage, kept everyone waiting ages.

  13. I’m surprised she was still in politics. After what she did it would be embarrassing to even show her face. But at least she’s gone. A few good big names finally out.

  14. This woman personally cost me £200+ a month in my mortgage going up, so I’m specifically delighted about this one.

  15. This just cements her place forever as the UK’s worst prime minister

  16. Can someone make a supercut of every Tory minister the moment they lost their seat? Preferably to the curb your enthusiasm theme

  17. She’s going to be included on a lot of trivia questions 20 years from now lol

  18. I love how Truss just said the Tories got hammered because they passed the human rights act which made it harder for them to deport people. Absolute scum and good riddance.

  19. Glad we ousted her, but I’m very concerned with how tight it was regardless. The Reform vote was most likely the majority of her lost Tory votes.

  20. Watched it live. Her face when she realised she lost was priceless. It made my day.

  21. Lettuce have a quiet moment of reflection for Parliament’s loss 😞

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