BBC graph about vote share vs. seat share. Conservatives + Reform actually beat Labour in vote share by 4 percentage points.

BBC graph about vote share vs. seat share. Conservatives + Reform actually beat Labour in vote share by 4 percentage points.

by Goldstein_Goldberg

  1. It’s amazing that no one seems to mind disproportion of this magnitude.

    And it’s not just the UK. Canada and Australia are like this too.

  2. I am at a loss on what im seeing and op title,

    And again im at a loss on why reform has no seats even with 14% of the votes while labour doubled theirs.

  3. As usual with fptp systems there’s an overwhelming parliamentary majority based on roughly one third of the roughly 60% of the electorate that even bothered to show up to vote.

    Don’t get me wrong, Keir Starmer seems like a much better option than any of the parade of clowns the conservatives have moved through the position of PM over the last decade, but the basis for his election remains flawed in my opinion.

  4. Can you guess which parties were against proportional representation? There was a referendum on this in 2011 – which to all intents and purposes was a trail run of misinformation for a certain referendum that came later.

    One of the excuses is that PR delivers what the UK calls a “hung parliament” and is claimed that this is much more unstable than a PR elected government. Extensive evidence suggests otherwise.

    The Tories ran on the slogan “One person, one vote” which is exactly what FPTP isn’t. Actually if you go look at the parties which were for and against, UKIP were for for AV, Labour had no position and the Tories against.

    As much of Reform are Tories, they can’t complain – they had their chance at electoral reform in the past and don’t campaign on it now.

    BTW, the Senedd in Wales and the Scottish Parliament use PR.

  5. Can this even be considered a democracy? A third of the votes and total power.

  6. Just in case we needed any more proof that FPTP is a terrible system.

    As it stands:
    – labour has 410 seats with 9.6 million votes
    – libdems have 71 seats with 3.4 million votes
    – snp 9 seats with 685 thousand votes
    – reform 4 seats with 4 million votes
    – greens 4 seats with 1.9 million votes
    – plaid cymru 4 seats with 194 thousand votes

    Make it make sense. And some people still think FPTP is a good and fair system.
    [source here](

  7. The Uk and France have quite terrible electoral systems. I don’t understand how in this day and age you can justify not having a single-turn proportional system.

    It’s good the conservatives have lost, as since Thatcher, they have been turning the Uk into a third world corpocracy, selling the UK to the indecently wealthy and the private interests, but still, in a representative democracy, the parliament should be composed exactly of what people voted for, otherwise it isn’t representative.

  8. US uses the same system. Except Georgia where runoffs happen when no one gets a majority

  9. On the other hand, Labour plus either Liberal Democrats or Green parties would form an even larger bloc.

  10. LibDems have decided that if the others don’t want proportional representation, then they’re just going to start it already at least for their own party

  11. First past the post is a terribly undemocratic system and shouldnt exist anymore in this day and age.

    I mean i am personally glad that reforms 14 percent of the vote leads to fuck all representation, but thats not how democracy should work.

  12. Fptp is a shitty system but neither big party has any incentive to change it

  13. As always with the UK electoral system it’s important to remember that tactical voting distorts this 

  14. FPTP sucks, it rewards losers in big parties, but they will never change it, otherwise the big parties wouldn’t exist.

  15. I can see SOME merit of FPTP conceptually, maybe when elections were much more localised like 100 years ago, but reality is that it’s ridiculous today. Country wide vote share should be as close to seats share as possible.

  16. They really should scrap the Lords and replace that with a proportional representative system

  17. Remember when conservatives needed to form a coalition with the LibDems and one of the terms was that they would remove FPTP, and then they completely reneged on it when they no longer needed them. Hahaha

  18. The Lib Dems and Greens have always split the more left leaning votes while the Tories have often been the only right wing party with any popularity/credibility. So we could just as easily say that Labour + Lib Dem + Green = 53% of votes and this a rather stonking left leaning mandate.

    This is just Tories getting a big gulp of their own medicine. Good riddance.

    But yes our political system is a mess and needs changing. I voted for AV back in 2011, it’s a shame that our country wasn’t ready for any form of proportional representation. Personally I’m just going to enjoy things working out for the best this time around.

  19. After years and years of this shitshow, 38% voted again Tories and Reform.

    4/10 British voters wanted more of the same or even worse Brexit-related lunacy. Insane!

  20. FPTP is a very strange system, how can 34% of the votes have such a strong absolute majority?

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