Start of a new era.

Start of a new era.

by Rich-Spirit129

  1. If that’s anything like the socialist party we have here, my condolences.

  2. Prediction: He’ll do nothing effective about immigration so housing will keep getting more expensive and the economy will continue to enrich the wealthy only.

    Then people will have had it and vote Farage next election.

    Populism is inevitable in the West.

  3. The media push the conservatives for 14 years. People call Labour shit and agree with the media.

    The media suddenly start pushing Labour and people think this is some kind of victory? This is like pantomime I’m afraid and the villains always behind the curtain!

  4. More status quo managed decline but with a red ribbon this time, how wonderful

  5. This has more to do with Reform splitting half of the Conservative vote than Labour gaining former Conservative voters.

  6. Already unpopular centrist leader will do absolutely nothing useful, paving the way for the far right.

    He got fewer votes and lower vote share than Corbyn did in 2017 and only won because the right-wing vote split. His popularity ratings with the public are as bad as Corbyn’s were.

  7. Is this subreddit veering more and more to the right, or was it always like this?

    Lately I’m only seeing comments from right and far right people.

  8. Having such a massive majority with only 34% of the country voting for you is a recipe for disappointment.

  9. I’m glad Starmer won, partially because I desperately want to see him and Trump interract.

  10. i’m glad starmer won but lmao is the british fpp system terrible. the party with 34% of the vote got like 60%+ of the seats

  11. Dear Chief Secretary,

    I’m afraid there is no money.

    Kind regards – and good luck!

  12. More impressed with Ed getting over 70 seats through being a good egg and silly stunts, tbh

  13. Now that the country has been thoroughly ravaged it’s time to rebuild…

    Unsurprisingly the more extreme the Tory government got the more damaging its impact on the country was. The extremes on both ends of the spectrum usually are pure poison for a country after all…

    I reckon France and Germany are trailing that development…so I fear if current trends continue we must brace ourselves for our countries to be inevitably run into the ground before the rebuilding.

  14. This is the sign that every Brit should go and do the annual ritual of pissing on Maggie Thatchers grave.

  15. I’ll believe it when I see it, I remember labour the last time round and how the Tory’s coming back was called the start of a new era.

  16. Mark my words: The shit you went through the past decade is going to continue in the same exact way, maybe it’s going to be worse. There is nothing new about them.

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