In a goofy turn of events, Sinn Féin is the 5th largest party now.

In a goofy turn of events, Sinn Féin is the 5th largest party now.

by Pearse_Borty

  1. Could still tie with the SNP as well, if they flip East Derry and SNP make no more gains.

  2. we are truly fucked now, both labour and conservative are a bunch of useless cunts and in each others pockets. Now that labour has taken the lead everything is deffo going downhill😂😂

  3. Jesus this sub is crazy. Can’t give any opinion that is slightly negative about sinn feinn without getting down voted to hell 🤣🤣🤣

  4. It’s funny if you look at the vote share.

    Sinn Fein – 0.7%

    Reform UK – 14.3%

  5. Financial Times have an analysis of the majority in each constituency compared to the last election.  SF’s lowest majority is 9%, but most are over 30%.  DUP, in contrast, lost majority in most of the constituencies they won, but didn’t get a majority anywhere of more than 16%. DUP should be worried for next time as it looks like SF seats are safer.

  6. Our voting system isn’t very representative even compared to the South.

    Someone else posted but reform party got more votes than sinn fein and all our others put together. Many of their members would see nothing wrong with what happened here in the troubles and wpuld galaxy leave us destitute

    I’ve said elsewhere I appreciate Sinn Feins stance on Westminster but its 2024. Whilst a small share of the vote they still have 7 seats of which they could utilise in some degree in at least the votes thatll benefit us.

    We could appreciate those seats if the likes of reform party etc get in power next time around

  7. This is a genuine question: why do people vote for Sinn Fein in Westminster elections when their policy is abstentionism? Would it not make more sense to vote for a party that will represent you in the UK parliament (like SDLP)?

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