Japan warnt US-Streitkräfte: Sexualverbrechen „können nicht toleriert werden“

Japan warnt US-Streitkräfte: Sexualverbrechen „können nicht toleriert werden“


  1. Should not be tolerated, not even within the force. All those found guilty should be punished to the full extent of the law and UCMJ.

  2. US military personnel who commit crime in Japan should face Japanese punishment for any crimes committed in Japan.

  3. From the country who committed horrific sex crimes against women in world war 2

  4. Unfortunately it is known fact that US military is being protective for criminal personel even if crimes were against people of its allies or even women American soldiers which is why whataboutism of crimes of civillians doesn’t refute that because there is the deeply rooted systematic problems in US military about criminal military personel.

    So many criminal US military personel in Japan got away with slap on the wrist with what they did. Central goverment of Japan is trying to cover those crimes too if it is in Okinawa which makes reporting crimes against US military much harder so who knows how many more unreported crimes are there.



    Another example is between 2017 and 2019 there were at least seven other investigations into U.S. military personnel for sexual offenses against Japanese women in Okinawa — and none were made public. Perpetrators had not been punished under Japanese law nor had their cases appeared in the annual reports produced by the Pentagon’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office for the U.S. Congress.


    Another recent example shows how messed up things is. US openly pressured and threatened Japan to protect US military personel who killed two people because of reckless driving. Later US released him when US got him from Japan by threats. There are many incidents like this and anyone who is objective can see that.


    Many women American military personel are sexually harassed, assaulted too which downplayed by military.



    US even has “The Hague Invasion Act” to invade Europe to protect its criminal military personel.


  5. At least in Japan it’s exposed. Elsewhere around the world, incidents like these are swept under the rug and seem like nothing happened.

  6. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Forces_Japan#United_States_presence_debate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Forces_Japan#United_States_presence_debate)

    >Between 1972 and 2009, U.S. servicemen committed 5,634 criminal offenses, including 25 murders, 385 burglaries, 25 arsons, 127 rapes, 306 assaults, and 2,827 thefts.[36] Yet, per Marine Corps Installations Pacific data, U.S. service members are convicted of far fewer crimes than local Okinawans.[37] According to the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, when U.S. personnel crimes are committed both off-duty and off-base, they should be prosecuted under the Japanese law.[38] In 2008 the National Police Agency released its annual criminal statistics that included activity within the Okinawa prefecture. These findings held American troops were only convicted of 53 crimes per 10,000 U.S. male servicemen, while Okinawan males were convicted of 366 crimes per 10,000. The crime rate found a U.S. serviceman on Okinawa to be 86% less likely to be convicted of a crime by the Japanese government than an Okinawan male.[39]

  7. There has been case where one killed a Japanese civilian when he was drunk driving, got sent back to the US, got out freely, demand the family of the victim to apologize to him. Its crazy. This warning needs to be strong.

  8. American soldiers have long been known to commit sex crimes consistently. It is well documented.

  9. This is ironic, coming from Japan given they are trying to whitewash their history of sex slaves in WWII

  10. i am tired of all the “empires” like US, China, Russia etc. People must unite against goverments

  11. The same Japan won’t even admit to or apologize for their military’s sex crimes against the people of Korea, and that was straight up sexual slavery. I’m not saying what’s going on now isn’t wrong or serious, but I feel like they should take that seriously too.

  12. As someone from Okinawa it’s just so sad shit like this happens. So many of my friends are imfrom the military and they’re super cool. I interpret for foreigners when they get arrested and they seem like pretty good people, just made a huge mistake. Some of them are complete dicks and I feel like they should be shot from a canon into the sea, but I stay neutral.

    It’s so easy to say “fucking US, keep your dumbass soldiers in check,” but it’s not as if the US military is the only source of crime on the island. Locals cause plenty of trouble. 

    On a tangent here, but it would be nice if we didn’t have the bases at all, but then how the hell would we protect ourselves?? The Japanese would just make more bases.

    I dunno I’m rambling at this point.

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