Volunteers from Colombia and other Latin American countries fight side by side with Ukrainians against the Russian army for a free world

Volunteers from Colombia and other Latin American countries fight side by side with Ukrainians against the Russian army for a free world

by Igor0976

  1. This video has just been posted by a well-known Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov on his telegram channel ButusovPlus.

  2. For anyone who wants to help Latin American volunteers, we have some you can sponsor either for flights or for gear. You can sign up at protectavolunteer.com. We’ve helped volunteers from Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia.

  3. Hola amigos 😀 Their happiness is infectious. Thanks for the boost. Hope they stay safe and give the orcs hell!

  4. Sadly some of them will go back as cartel members, some may even go Ukraine for the purposes of experiences but at least they are on the right side

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