Wales results: Conservatives suffer first Welsh wipeout since 2001

Wales results: Conservatives suffer first Welsh wipeout since 2001

by Littlemonkeyfella0

  1. Trist iawn, very sad /s

    I wonder how Andrew RT Davies is feeling this morning

  2. First wipeout since 2001 doesn’t sound as gave as they think it does. Yes, it’s nearly a quarter of a century ago, but with LD’s winning most seats since 1923 and Truss being the first former PM to lose her seat in parliament in over 100 years like that, “first wipeout since 2001” really doesn’t that drastic.

  3. Good to see. My vote was largely meaningless this year having moved into a Labour stronghold whereas my previous constituency could have gone either way on Labour/Conservatives but thankfully this time around the Tories didn’t get that seat again.

  4. My area has been a safe labour seat since forever and they took twice the votes of 2nd place, but 2nd place were reform and that worries me.

  5. There are the same number of Welsh Tory MPs as there are pandas in British zoos.

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