My Ryanair flight pulled up right next to Orban’s planes going to Russia

My Ryanair flight pulled up right next to Orban’s planes going to Russia

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by unitedfuck

  1. When they bought these (three if I remember correctly and two larger Airbuses as well), they explained that they would be Air Force planes and not the government’s. Since then, they have been using them to travel abroad on holiday and to watch football matches.

  2. Fake that’s not nearly big enough to hold all the lube for crawling up Mr. Putin’s ass

  3. Good job Agent 47, the target is in the plane, once you’ll have found a way to sabotage the engines I’ll guide you to the extraction point

  4. They can keep him.

    Doesn’t shut up, constantly wants money and blocks everything. Will fit right in at the Kremlin.

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