Good riddance Liz

Good riddance Liz

by Trick-Address-5436

  1. To think this cu*nt is paid for life now by the British tax payer. 50 days she was PM. Absolute oxygen thief.

  2. Make sure the door nob doesn’t hit you where the good lord split you on the way out

  3. I’m struggling to find a job she would be competent enough to do in the real world.

  4. We’re all paying more as a result of her. Sure, interest rises were coming, but not shock to the system that she caused prematurely. Worse, we’ll continue to pay to keep her. Oxygen thief.

  5. I heard she was graceless in defeat and that seems to sum up so much about her really.

  6. Only six hundred!? Does the constituancy only have 2000 people living in it or something?!

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