So, was it his fault? Or was he only part of it?

So, was it his fault? Or was he only part of it?

by NatureEnvironmental1

  1. He wasn’t really popular with SNP voters, or the public as a whole. He didn’t make any real moves to reunite the party, and he imploded the arrangement with the greens.

    It wasn’t all his fault (various scandals) but he didn’t help.

  2. He didn’t help, put it that way. He was the apotheosis of insignificance.

  3. Part of it, but I think the Campervan scandal was where a lot of people lost faith.

  4. Decent guy but damage was done before he got in. Didnt have much of a chance but did manage to screw it up a bit in his own way.

  5. Just added more fuel to the fire if anything, wouldn’t entirely place it on him.

  6. Others making good points on why SNP dropped and what’s gone wrong with them.

    But keep in mind that the SNP would never have had that many MPs if it wasn’t for FPTP and the loss of so many MPs is overinflated by FPTP.

    If we had Holyrood style AMS then the change would have been way less.

  7. It is really easy to blame this on Yousaf or indeed Flynn. The truth is that the SNP got extremely complacent and careless in governance. Having a big presence at Westminster should have resulted in effective opposition but instead all most people heard was: yous nae fair! at every opportunity.

    Nationally the Holyrood crew shat the bed repeatedly. Let’s be honest, publicly assassinating your leader in Salmond, several key figures in the party being picked up by police for potential fraud investigations (is that finished yet btw?), trying to hide the complete and utter mess that is and was going on at Ferguson Shipyard, fumbling the bag on the A9 dualling, murdering each other in debates about gender politics… It has become really visible to a lot of people that the SNP are not a unified party outside the issue of independence.

  8. Probably more to do with the everyone feeling poor and that everything is broken. The SNP have 2 years to sort out the NHS, Police and everything else that is devolved, without raising taxes.
    I don’t think they have the talent pool to pull it off at the moment.

  9. I don’t think he helped. He managed to be unpopular with the SNP voters and the public as a whole. He struck me as the walking manifestation of the Peter Principle. He was the continuity candidate who didn’t set the heather on fire. He struck me as focusing too much on trying to legitimise himself as a leader of a country (selfies with Erdogan) rather than trying to bring the country together

  10. I’m no fan of Humza Yousaf and he definitely didn’t help the SNP but to put all of the blame om him is unfair.

  11. Part of it maybe , but that dodgy shit with the money and the camper can had a huge hand too. To be honest it all started going downhill towards the latter end of the Covid restrictions when we tried way too hard to be different from England and having the rules last longer than elsewhere . Public support started to dip then and never really recovered.

  12. Similar to Rishi, he was just the straw that broke the camels back.

  13. Honestly Nicola didn’t give him much of a chance.

    Her shock resignation without any notice and her not having anyone been preparing as a successor made it a very hard job.

    The leadership contest also split the party a bit which didn’t help.

  14. Scots voted to ensure Tories were gone.

    Now it’s up to Labour to do something/anything for the good of Scotland.

    Their track record is abysmal.

  15. Well yeah I mean he is a racist. It didn’t help.

    From the perspective of someone who opposes the SNP, the problems are:

    1) policies were awful – stasi like surveillance of what parents say to their kids, hate crime law where they decide what is a crime on the fly, drug deaths through the roof, drug vans

    2) Humza, Sturgeon turning out (appearing to be) to be corrupt, Alex working for Putin

    3) the attitude of SNP MPs in Westminster – some non independence voters voted for SNP MPs to hold Westminster to account but all they did was cause hassle and create ill feeling towards Scots.

  16. He was the chance to steady a sinking ship but then the first thing he did was die on the same idiotic trans hill as Sturgeon. Just a really bad politician. Was the final nail in the coffin really. Also that rant about everyone being white in a white country didnt do him any favours.

  17. He inherited a turd. Sturgeon’s scandals and the impossibility of the green targets she’d agreed gave him an almost impossible challenge. He also just wasn’t all that good as FM.

  18. Not entirely his fault but the own goal with the Greens really didn’t help him or the party at all.

  19. I like Humza. I think whilst the media attacks were pretty relentless and he had to deal with more hostility than most politicians that he was on the cusp of managing it. He’s a solid orator and pretty personable on the campaign trail.

    Sadly the snp were on rocky ground after caravangate and nuking the bute house agreement was a stumble they simply couldn’t recover from. 

    Sturgeon would have done better, but she fucked it, Humza would have done OK, but he fucked it too. 

    So depends if you wanna blame it on some twee corruption as the inital fault, or poorly handling the greens for the final straw.  Or the greens for sticking up for themselves but then fucking bute house too. They may have been in the right but I can’t see them getting as good a deal under labour. 

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