Jeremy Corbyn wins Islington seat as independent MP after being expelled from Labour

Jeremy Corbyn wins Islington seat as independent MP after being expelled from Labour

by ACO_22

  1. So unelectable that he got a higher share of the vote in 2017 than Labour did tonight, almost matched it in 2019, and won his constituency in a landslide after being stabbed in the back by Starmer.

    Labour didn’t win, the Tories lost.

  2. It is possible to like Jeremy Corbyn and be happy he won, and also like Starmer trouncing the nasty tories.

    You don’t have to live in an absolutist world.

  3. But a certain Palahniuk-referencing username assured us all that Corbyn would lose; now I don’t know what to think

  4. I don’t think people understand how difficult it is to run as an independent candidate in our system, even for someone with Corbyn’s name brand recognition. The system is entirely set up for political parties.

    An independent candidate going up against the machinery and infrastructure of a massive political party is facing a huge disadvantage. For example, modern elections are all about using data to target key groups of voters, but independent candidates won’t have any data and it is illegal for them to get it from anyone else. For an independent to win an election over a candidate from one of the two main parties is a big achievement.

    It’s not just about Corbyn either, it looks like this election will have 6 independent candidates winning, which is the most since the 1950s. It speaks to a high level of revolt against the political establishment.

  5. Bizarre the amount of flak he gets. Basically a good man who both simply didn’t have the chops to be leader and got shafted by the media.

    In a fairer system he would be as much of a success (or flop) as Starmer is now, given how similar their vote shares are. At any rate, I’m glad he didn’t get turfed out of parliament after getting turfed out of Labour.

  6. Say what you like about Corbyn, but I think parliament is better with him in it.

  7. Good for him – no matter what you think of him as Labour leader he does brilliant work for Islington

  8. Good. People don’t like him but I think hes OK. Everyone keeps saying how Labour is tory-lite, and then complain when they got him who is left as fuck and way too open with his opinions. Papers had to dig to try and smear him because he turns up for work and pays his taxes and apart from being a political activist, was not controversional enough – no mistresses, offshore accounts, dodgy stocks, and so on. I have never seen Sunak at a rally or political activism, but this man is likely to turn up and hold a banner which is something.

  9. Congratulations to Jeremy Corbyn, Would 100% support him if he was running for my constituency

  10. Note that the media didn’t go after Starmer like they did Corbyn this time around. That in itself made a huge difference,

  11. Just for today I’m going to enjoy the fact that the Tories got handed their arse, and it’ll be 4/5 years before that particular brand of invertebrate gets to stick their oar too far in again.

  12. Say what you want about him, but he seems to care for Islington and the people there like him, and that’s what got him his seat, I might not have been the best for the country, but the people have spoken that he’s the best for his constituency.

  13. and i hope he gives them hell

    with Labour getting such a massive majority, someone in Parliament needs to highlight when they fail to use it for good

    imagine all the things Corbyn would have done for the country with a majority like that

  14. Corbyn the ‘through and through’ Labour man, working against it. 

    His fans don’t mind which clearly means they also never cared about labour. 

  15. Never had a job and contributed to the country, always claimed his money from the taxpayer, multi-millionaire, just says what people want to hear that is different from the current parasites. cant keep his nose from the trough. just a snake oil salesman.

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