More than a third of Russians approve of a nuclear strike on Ukraine

More than a third of Russians approve of a nuclear strike on Ukraine

by Manul_Supremacy

  1. Hello OP, could you place in the comments a translation of the article for approval? thank you

  2. > **More Than a Third of Russians Approved of a Nuclear Strike on Ukraine**

    > More than a third of Russian citizens believe that the use of nuclear weapons could be “justified” in the war with Ukraine, according to a June poll by the Levada Center.

    > As sociologists found, 10% of respondents “definitely” support a nuclear strike, while another 24% consider it “rather” appropriate.

    > The share of supporters of nuclear escalation increased by 5 percentage points over the past year, according to Levada’s data, reaching a record level for the entire duration of the war. The majority, 52%, remain opposed to the use of nuclear weapons, but their share is decreasing: in April 2023, it was 56%.

    > The strongest inclination towards nuclear war is seen among retirees who regularly watch Russian television and “approve” of Vladimir Putin’s activities, the poll reveals. In the 55+ age group, the share of those approving a nuclear strike reaches 35%, and among those who get their information from TV broadcasts, it is 41%.

    > “The opinion that the use of nuclear weapons cannot be justified is more prevalent among young Russians (63% aged 18-24), those who believe the country is moving in the wrong direction (64%), and those who disapprove of the current president’s activities (72%),” writes Levada.

    > In the first days of the invasion of Ukraine, Putin announced the transfer of Russian nuclear forces to a special combat duty regime, and later repeatedly voiced nuclear threats towards Western countries supporting Kyiv.

    > The US authorities were seriously preparing for a possible Russian nuclear strike on Ukraine at the end of 2022, senior officials from Joe Biden’s administration previously told CNN. According to them, the nuclear scenario for the Ukrainian conflict was considered real after a series of defeats by the Russian army, which by then had surrendered the Kharkiv region and was forced to leave Kherson. This was preceded by statements from Russian officials about Ukraine’s alleged plans to detonate a “dirty bomb,” which the US saw as a pretext for the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

    > In May, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski recounted that Washington warned Putin about the consequences he would face in the event of nuclear escalation. “The Americans said that if you use a nuclear bomb, even if no one dies, we will strike all your targets in Ukraine with conventional weapons; we will destroy them all,” Sikorski said. According to him, China and India had previously warned Russia against using nuclear weapons.

  3. Even if Trump forces Ukraine to negotiate “peace”, we should not lift any sanctions. Let Russia rot in hell, if we keep it disconnected from worldwide economy, their economy will simply collapse sooner or later. Just a reminder: 16% interest rate and inflation is still raising, car loan? 30% interest rate 😆 Gazprom was responsible for 40% government income before the war. Now it went into 7 billion dollars debt. It is not sustainable for Russia in long term. And now Putin proposed “peace” deal with sanctions being lifted immediately after signing it. They are desperate. We need to finish them while we can. This is the only way to keep Europe safe. Otherwise we will basically fund their preparation to take over next territories by force.

  4. See what we have to deal with and why we get so angry at people saying “it’s just pootin”?

  5. Putler’s war and totally innocent people, can’t you see? We peacefully want to nuke our neighbors for gooood.

  6. Fucking idiots would start a nuclear war over the fucking Donbas. They’re all cunts. Misinformed for sure, but cunts nonetheless.

  7. “old people vote once more for the most vile, planet destructive subjec, because they are by default mentaly impaired and dont give a fuck about the future of anyone else but them. Now the weather…”

  8. Everyone that approves of this idiocy should be forced to read “Metro” to reaaaaaly understand where they’d end up if the world went nuclear.

  9. The ultimate f*** around and find out scenario. We wouldn’t have to worry about Russia any more after that.

  10. I really, really hope that NATO has its Nuclear Counter Force plans nailed. If the Russians use nukes I would be all for a first strike, focusing on permanently removing any nuclear capability from a country clearly demonstrating not being morally capable of carrying the responsibility of owning nuclear weapons.

    Nuclear war can be won, but the costs would be horrendous. The risks would also be insanely high. Get the counter force capabilities wrong, and the war will probably devolve into counter value targeting.

  11. What a terrible kind of people. They should be sanctioned until they come crawling back.

  12. Such high Russian support for indiscriminate extermination of Ukrainians underscores why Ukraine is fighting back against Russia so hard in the first place.

    Once you are permanently under the boots of a country that considers your life utterly worthless, you are 100% fucked.

    Given Russia already has a long history of genocide in Ukraine, there is no alternative but to fight them to the bitter end.

  13. I think that they forget that something like MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is still valid…

  14. The moment Russia nukes Ukraine, there will be no reconciliation path for Russia as a country and for it’s citizen, there won’t be a German or Japanese path.

    They won’t become N Korea, they will be worse.

  15. No way would they nuke the bread basket of Europe, right?

    This sounds a bit too min M.A.D. to me because Ukraine would be useless to whoever wins it, for growing food at least

  16. Yes, nuking a neighbouring country sounds like it’s not going to impact you in the slightest.
    Bloody morons.

  17. Unfortunately, that third of the Russian population is too stupid to realize that there would be an equal measured reprisal against Russia. Sigh, it’s so stupid. NATO won’t stand for that, at all. Even though it’s not a “direct attack” on NATO, the fallout would spread to the EU. Not to mention the mass death of millions of Ukrainians.

    All countries have faults, but Russia just keeps on showing off theirs. I’ve never seen a country, plus its people, believe themselves to be the biggest victims on the face of the Earth. It honestly baffles me somtimes.

  18. Do we know if Russians actually know that literally no one is threatening Russia? Not a single western country is interested in attacking Russia, the costs would be insane, there’s no way our populations would stand for it, and for what benefit? What do they have that we’d attack them for? I can’t think of anything. People are talking about nuclear strikes against a country that never attacked them, never threatened to attack them, and is fighting against a bizarre and uncalled for invasion. This is just bizzaro-land.

  19. Stare into the abyss long enough… right ? They have become a reflection of their own monstrous regime.

  20. Where are the enlightened Western Europeans shielding these innocent Russians and using the “brainwashed” card? I guess even *they* can’t defend this anymore.

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