The newest only acceptable definition of Western Europe

The newest only acceptable definition of Western Europe

by Albibi123

  1. Look at Romania! That’s some German level of dedication to their job right there!

  2. Romania, Albania and Russia are the country equivalent of bus drivers doing their job for 10 hours only to then go home and play the newest version of the bus simulator before going to sleep.

  3. If you are a teenager maybe.

    What self respecting adult plays fucking Fortnite?

  4. They are playing because the only time their national team can win something is in that game

  5. This is surprising on multiple levels.

    – Western Europe is more football mad, this chart suggests otherwise.
    – Fortnite is free, whereas FIFA is paid: Western Europe poorer confirmed ?

  6. If you are older then 18 and still buy fifa every fucking year, you deserve to get your face punched in ffs

  7. Ukraine is playing COD in real life. Why would they need a PlayStation?

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