Ukraine’s 95th Brigade strikes Russian invaders in the Toretsk direction. Intercepted radio chatter confirms it was painful. More information in the comments.

Ukraine’s 95th Brigade strikes Russian invaders in the Toretsk direction. Intercepted radio chatter confirms it was painful. More information in the comments.

by iivankin1

  1. The occupiers gathered their forces and attempted to break through the defense in the Toretsk direction of the front. However, their plans were thwarted by the Polissya paratroopers.

    In the video, units of the 95th Separate Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces obliterate the Russians. In one instance, a single tank crew destroyed an assault group of the “Veterans” PMC hiding in a house – just like that, and 10 occupiers were gone!

    By the way, the “Veterans” PMC is a unit of militants formed from residents of the so-called “DPR.” The residents of the occupied Donbas have been brainwashed and are now being sent to their deaths for the ambitions of a short dictator. (These are the guys who sneaked into Avdiivka through an underground tunnel.)

    Intercepts reveal that the enemy is having a very hard time, constantly complaining and asking for reinforcements. Now, nothing can help them because they are up against the Air Assault Forces!

  2. Tank commander: ” Keep blasting! EMPTY the Mag! i dont want to bring anything back!”

  3. In so many of these videos, there are 1 or 2 guys with an AK and the rest are just running around in armor without anything else. Do they drop their guns as soon as a slight breeze hits them, or are they just not issued anything? I mean aside from the internals and barrel, an AK is just stamped metal, they are designed for mass production, the Russians shouldn’t run out of them.

  4. Wow, does anyone tough how the owner of those properties feel watching their houses blowing?

    Look honey orcs dying in our living room, look son how your room collapsed. Ufff, chills down my spine fuck you Putin.

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