More Than a Third of Russians Approve of a Nuclear Strike on Ukraine

More Than a Third of Russians Approve of a Nuclear Strike on Ukraine

by BackgroundPossible18

  1. Cool. So when the war is over we can put aside that “we didn’t know” nonsense the Germans has in WW2.

    It’s all on record.

  2. But are the same third of russians aware that if Ukraine gets a nuclear strike, they also will be affected? Or they maybe live in some bubbles thinking they’re immune?

  3. And then what? Do they think that will end the war? Do they think all of Ukraine will stop fighting? What do they think happens the millisecond nuclear fallout can be detected in a NATO country? Fucking dimwits.

  4. More than a third of Muscovites approve of getting their ass kicked in retaliation

  5. 1/3 of Russians obviously don’t know which way around the world the prevailing wind goes. Nuking Ukraine will send radioactive fallout directly to Russia.

  6. That is why I DO NOT and I WILL NOT accept that shit about “It is all because of the government, regular russian people are not guilty”. Fuck the russians! I’ve killed a bunch of them pigdogs and I will continue doing so.

  7. Can Mr. Put In send them to Ukraine!!! PLEASE 🤖🤖🤖

    We gonna do DISARMAMENT the NAZI in Ukraine like the PLAN…

  8. This is just to make the west think all Russians are suicidal and have us escalate before them. Let them have their thoughts, destroy them all in Ukraine and build a nice little fence and lookout towers around them.

  9. Translation:

    More than a third of Russians approve of their country getting glassed from retaliatory strikes.

  10. This is 100 years of zombification, intellectuals and political opponents elimination and remaning high bracket emigration to Europe or US.
    One third who are scared by their own kind, so they either don’t understand or are lying, or wait… Maybe they just want to die ?

  11. Don’t think they realize what they are asking for they must think that means their all safe after but nope their will be more death and destruction of Russia than they have ever even read about if they set off a nuke in Ukraine

  12. Ok, but how many russians are ok with getting nukes in return?

    From these articles [I am referring to western media news outlets] it seems like russia is the only one with nukes and there is no such thing as nuclear retaliation. In the last 2 years kremlin has vomited out north-korea style nuke threats routinely, western media has picked up and repeated. Yet, not once I have seen saying that they will get nukes in return. Not even once.

  13. More than half of Americans would support a decapitation strike on the Russian top leadership if Russia uses a nuke. 

  14. Smart! Our threat to Russia was if any nuclear weapons were used we’d use conventional means to wipe out the black sea fleet, but those dastardly Ukrainians beat us to it.

  15. And this number of russians who approve of a nuclear strike on ukr will only grow. Demonstrates it’s not just putin’s war (special military operation).

  16. The conventional response from NATO would destroy Russia’s fighting capacity and NATO would still have room to escalate even without using nukes.

    It would be a monumentally stupid thing to do, which means they probably will.

  17. Remember these are the “innocent people” that people often say are just being oppressed by Putin. Same goes for China.

    If they aren’t responsible for their government who is?

  18. That’s why it doesn’t matter what economic system or what ruler they have Russians are psychopaths!

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