“NATO must become more European”. German FM calls for less dependency on the US

“NATO must become more European”. German FM calls for less dependency on the US


by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. Yankee trolls, where are you now? Going to tell her she is paid by russkis too?

  2. Yeah fuck that shit. Cancelled the Iterartion of the eurofighter to simp-buy the F-35.

    The freaking do it! Team up with france and get everyone else on board again!

  3. Why were French-Italian systems excluded from ESSI while German and US are put forward? I’m all for genuine EU effort focusing on EU systems but this is just virtue signaling since some countries are spending big bucks on SK and US merchandise which Germany also makes. The simple solution is to offer better terms and prices or be genuine when asking countries to focus on EU MID.

  4. Or we could expand the EU responsibilities to encompass defense. We already have the structure and it would make more sense than sharing intelligence with unreliable partners like Turkey

  5. So let’s go. Less talking more doing. Let France, Germany, Poland and Italy lead the way in setting up a EU army structure and let the rest join.

    Start with buying EU equipment. For example no more US fighters (F-35) and so on. Let’s develop and build our own for everything that is needed.

  6. Disengaging from the US’s military industrial complex, while building industry around our own munitions and vehicles can only have a positive effect.

  7. Yeah, the time to do all that was back in 2017 when an unstable clown started talking about he wants to treat NATO like one of his failed businesses. It’s simply too late to make any meaningful change now. Russia thinks it can just annex foreign countries unobstructed, Trump is probably gonna be back in a few months, and France will be a very different country next week.

  8. Yup, should the orange anus become president of the US again, we’re no more than a bargaining chip to him.
    We must be able to defend ourselves and our friends.

  9. She says that while Scholz is blocking European integration at every level

  10. All thanks to MAGA. The EU is gonna produce Ammo on their own. Money stays in the EU

  11. Translation: weā€™re gonna be raising everyoneā€™s taxes even more to fund the new EuRoPeAn military industrial complex (the same thing we mock the U.S. for).

  12. I wish. I wish Europe was more stronger and consolidatedm But the reality is you can’t even keep Viktor Orban on a leash.

    And far-right is rising in Europe, most of them are pro Russian.

  13. Very good, but the problem is that US relies on private companies to make their military equipment and Europe wants to always create public stuff and cooperate and shit like that, the result is that the most competent engineers will end up working for private companies because they will make insanely more money and we will always be stuck with equipment whose research money has to be justified and limited because itā€™s public spending

    US > companies makes product > US government chooses best product > military sovereignty

    Eu > creates committee for creating a group of people to research the product > funds said group > product is very good on paper > funding arrives to produce said equipment > equipment is ass > we are proud of our creation! > product is still ass > hey, company, the product is ass, we funded you with 30Bā€¦ but product sucks, we will give you a 15M fine, that will teach you a lesson!!

    On the serious end, there are plenty of good weapon companies in Europe, but aircraft and naval forces are a completely different story, as well as land vehicles, and we do not have a culture of that, itā€™s not about ā€œwe are not at the same levelā€ but we definitely donā€™t have the same experience, as every other industry is, history is important and years of research and development cannot be matched with good intentions

  14. terrible wording. i support the european defence industry but i think that it should be about strengthening NATO as a whole, not in a “we don’t trust america so we’re turning NATO into EUTO”. i’m worried about trump too btw.

  15. I think Die GrĆ¼ne should focus on the more important topics they care about, sjch as the price cap on kebab.

  16. She doesn’t know what she’s saying. NATO exists because the US is the financial power that makes NATO what it is.

  17. Isnā€™t it interesting how Trumpā€™s threats weakens the USā€™s influence making America weaket and more isolated, even before heā€™s reelected?

  18. Damn, Europe finally gonna put the big boy pants on like the US has wanted for decades military wise??? Good for Europe. US can finally maybe and completely shift focus to the Pacific

  19. Then do it!

    Germans first sell European safety to ruzzia and now becoming first to shout. Germany still doesn’t fill 2% GDP to defence agreement!

    The German rulers are a bunch of hypocrites

  20. The US accounts for 2/3 of NATO expenditures, which is a lot of catching up to do, and it’s not too likely that European leaders would be willing to make up that kind of difference. More power to you if you do, though.

  21. Funny they say this right after Pistorius was told he wonā€™t get the 7Bā‚¬ he needs and will need to work with a little under 2Bā‚¬ and negotiate contracts to start in 2027 when there will be more money šŸ˜‚.

    The EU and itā€™s countries say one thing in public and then donā€™t back it with its policies. Meanwhile people think all is dandy. Just like announcing UA aid. First announce it, then again when itā€™s ordered, then again when itā€™s delivered.

  22. Trump likely wins if Biden stays in the race. So better ready those billions for defense because US might not be here in five months.

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