UK’s democracy πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

UK’s democracy πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

by larryblackwood

  1. Ah yes, a page called “End Wokeness” certainly understand the British political system…

    They’re mad because their Russian plant was melted at the polls from 13 seats to just 4.

  2. If the system had instead been hugely in favor of reform these people would be celebrating

  3. What a revelation. A large number of countries have a shitty election system. Had the US a fair system, 1/3 of the past Presidential elections would have had a different winner, including the one where End Wokenessβ€˜s cult leader won.

  4. First past the post is an obvious problem, but I can never take anyone complaining about it seriously.

    The vast, vast majority of people will find it outright good if it helps their party win or as in this case helps keeps people they don’t like out of power. You can bet your life savings that if Reform and Labour were swapped, Reform would be laughing and jeering and Labour would be saying that the system is rigged etc. Such is politics I suppose.

  5. I like the Reform nonces arguing for proportional representation not realising that it would not help them at all, and in fact would give Reform nonces more seats but less power.

  6. same guy who defended a womanizer/rapist because that person partook in the capitol riot of 2020

  7. So strange that so many people acknowledge a system being flawed EXCLUSIVELY after having lost and not when they were winning for nearly 15 years.

    Really puts into perspective how genuine most people’s opinion is.

  8. Did he really just repost a tweet from an account that unironically calls itself β€œend wokeness” and uses a shitty outdated chad meme as the profile picture lmao

  9. Ironic coming from a yank account which has quite possibly the worst electoral system going

  10. Regarded post. There are definitely problems with the first past the post system, but End Wokeness is a mouth breathing MAGA moron and has certainly no problem with this same system in the US when it benefits his republican overlords.

  11. I haven’t really seen as many complaints until today when it finally didn’t work out in favour of the Tories.

    I mean I want a better system too but I do love this one instance of the FPTP system completely fucking them over.

  12. Weird that Americans don’t see the problem with electoral collage but when others do similar nonsense they suddenly notice.

  13. someone who understands the uk’s system a bit better please enlighten me how reform got 14% of votes and 1% of seats and liberals got 12% of votes and 11% of seats ????

  14. Yank detected. Opinion disregarded. I’m not taking criticism from a country that just ruled to give its president complete legal immunity just because he and his supporters threw a tantrum because they lost.

  15. End Wokeness has been outed as a Russian propaganda account by Ryan MacBeth and it’s safe to assume everything it spews is 3 times vomited garbage, safe to dispose of. It’s best to not even give this shitty page attention since there’s quite a bit of non-ironic right wing nuts in this sub.

  16. It’s not a shit system though, you vote for a local mp, some constituencies are more densley populated than others. The mp still has to get the majority in that constituency to win the seat. Then party with moat seats wins.

  17. The most insane thing is that Labour got 210 seats more than the last election with around half a million less votes. Reform singlehandedly won the election for Labour.

  18. US can’t talk shit about any nations elections when the supreme court ruling of total immunity for the leading figure of their country means they’re basically not a democracy anymore

  19. It allows anyone to be voted out.. that doesn’t happen in other countries where the front end of the ballet is packed with hand chosen party ass lickers. I think that’s quite good.

  20. Nobody meming on Sinn FΓ©in getting 7 seats and using none?

    Fifth biggest party in that country now, by doing nothing.

  21. Gerrymandering when my side does it: πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

    Gerrymandering when the opposing party does it: 😑😑🀬🀬

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