Multiple drone dropped grenade strikes on a lone Russian soldier. Video by the “1st Assault Battalion”.

Multiple drone dropped grenade strikes on a lone Russian soldier. Video by the “1st Assault Battalion”.

by Evening_Run_8536

  1. Some of you may think the 3rd and 4th strike were unnecessary, but it was mercy. That dude looked like he was all by himself and would have died slowly and painfully.

  2. Appears he was still alive even after four drops. Notice he rolled over sometime before that last crispy image. Mercifully edited out his last fiery moments.

  3. One wonders if the last grenade could have been used on a more dangerous target.

  4. And this is why there are so many videos of soldiers killing themselves after being wounded.

  5. How is this economical? Once the target is disabled shift resources to still-effective opposition.

  6. Russia seems to be world leader in self cremation technology. From tanks to uniforms, everything is extremely flammable, next year we will see the first spontaneously combusting rifle barrels.

  7. Have you ever had that feeling when you wake up in the morning and everything just seems to go wrong?

    That was his day,

  8. Dying Like this for a Russian dickhead who couldn’t care less about his people?…. I’m good

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