Rishi Sunak tritt nach Wahlniederlage in Großbritannien zurück

Rishi Sunak tritt nach Wahlniederlage in Großbritannien zurück


  1. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Or do. I don’t really care, so long as you’re gone.

  2. As I understand it, the last few UK PMs just quickly did favors for their billionaire friends at the expense of plundering the country before being forced out. They tried their best to keep the grift going until this happened, but now that it did it aint a big deal to them since they got their parachutes ready.

  3. Womp Womp.

    Also willing to bet Reform will implode and destroy itself before the next election. Too many of its big mouths just can’t resist saying dumb shit and all seem to crumble when under any kind of real questioning.

  4. Having a billionaire leader, and thinking that he will take care of the people, is pure masochism

  5. Rishi can go to his humble mother in law for some advice. Maybe she can bore him with her down to earth saintly nature.

  6. No angry mob breaking into parliament? No hastily constructed gallows? No buffalo headdresses? Guess the UK just don’t like freedom…

  7. good fucking riddance! i’m giving him 2 months before he’s on a plane to his new home in the us.

  8. As someone who is not very familiar with British politics, I would like to know what the main difference is between **Labour Party** and **Conservative Party**?

  9. Congrats UK on staving off Fascism- hopefully we can follow your example across the Pond…

  10. I think he gave out the most snobby, british alienated from people high society picture and pemier ever had.

  11. it has been barely a month he is in charge and already down??? Brexiters are having a fever.

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