Green party quadruples its number of Commons seats to four

Green party quadruples its number of Commons seats to four

by JayR_97

  1. Amazing how all the attention was on how Reform were set to disrupt the election and we barely heard a word from the Greens.

  2. Same as Reform, but Reform are getting all the press, even if its critical. Ask yourself why that is.

  3. Really odd seats too.

    The Greens’ base is a bizarre mix of middle-class youngsters who want to smoke weed and open the borders, inner-city Islamists who want to back Gaza and legalise religious/spiritual electoral influence, and isolationist farmers who want to clean the rivers and block new housing.

    It’s an incredible result on the day – better than they could have dreamed – but I really can’t predict where it goes next.

  4. Quadruple is technically correct but now they only have 0.62% of the seats in the Commons. In other words, they’re so irrelevant that this is simply a rounding error.

  5. And all they had to do was lie about their real beliefs, hold a platform of being pro green but anti green development, and embrace people who support hamas.

  6. Whilst going from sunak to “david cameron in his player 2 colors” isnt exactly inspiring; Ill take some joy that knowing in 20 years time ill be waking up to 1024 green MPs in the house of commons.

  7. Very good performance. On half the number of votes that Reform got the same number. Which is a lesson from the Lib Dems in using FPTP in the right way. Target specific seats and essentially ignore the rest.

    However, having said that, it is a damning indictment of the voting system. We need STV or MMP. But it will never change.

    (Full disclosure, I’m a member if the Green Party).

  8. Weird comments section. Congratulations to the Greens, I think they did really well.

  9. I found the Rafael Behr article well written and devoid of the usual Guardianista diatribe. Penny Toynbee on the other hand….

    I feel the Greens are dependent on the student vote in Bristol.

  10. This is genuinely a spectacular result from the Greens. They’re a much smaller party than most of the mainstream and don’t enjoy the company of many rich donors, so they struggle a bit for campaign funds and have to focus on contesting a very limited number of specific seats. Even in seats they weren’t focusing on, they were picking up thousands of votes regularly.

    Carla Denyer talked about the Greens targeting four seats in this election and they won them all. Labour fought them tooth and nail in Bristol Central and in the end it was a fairly comfortable majority. The Greens were the second most popular party in my constituency behind Labour.

    The big challenge is whether they’ll be able to hold onto this momentum in the next election. I definitely think that people felt more comfortable voting Green since Labour’s win was such a foregone conclusion, but Caroline Lucas made significant gains every time she stood in Brighton Pavilion so unless she had some kind of special magic touch, she’s proof that a constituency run on Green policies can flourish.

  11. Whats mightily impressive is the Greens barely have any rich donors. They deserve more coverage.

  12. Terrifying. Such a missguided self-destructive party of islamists and morons.

    Anyone that would want to actually push for climate change action has no real representation, such a shame.

  13. At this rate it won’t be too long before everyone in the UK is a Green MP.

  14. The number of votes for bloody UKIP was double that of the greens in my (still Tory safe) constituency. Wish people would think harder about their priorities. Maybe it was because we didn’t have anyone Reform, but after brexit was approved what kind of “independence “ are they still honing about not having??

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