Bored, pregnant and under the weather. Thought I would share pics of my ugly, but delicious, lunch. What have you made lately that looked gross but tasted divine?

18 weeks pregnant. Woke up this morning feeling rather crud so am stuck in bed and very bored. All I could think about when I woke up was having some kind of warm, cheesy, sweetcorn concoction. This is what I came up with. She isn't pretty but my GOSH does she taste incredible. I love to cook and would appreciate hearing of your own ugly but awesome creations, I will make any that tempt me next week.

by Puzzlepetticoat

  1. I make “vague mexican”. It’s brown, spicy and has random vegetables in. 

  2. I made a lovely chicken and bacon pasta salad last night for tea with a ranch dressing, toms, celery, 3 cheeses and green pepper. Didn’t look much but by jove it was tasty. The wife took the rest to work for her lunch today.

    (congratulations on your forthcoming child/children)

  3. “mess” – fry mince, onions, mushrooms, tinned potatoes and sweetcorn in a pan with chilli powder salt and pepper.

  4. To make this I heated up a large can of sweetcorn and drained it. I fried some bacon (3 rashers) in small bits until crispy and added both the bacon and the bacon fat to the sweetcorn. I softened half a white onion in butter and when almost done added a healthy amount of garlic to also soften. Put the onion and residual garlic butter in the mix. Then I added half a tub of cream cheese, half a block of crumbled feta and a decent amount of mature cheddar plus some spring onions. Then added a little mayo, white pepper, garlic powder, mustard powder and onion powder (didn’t need salt as plenty from the bacon and butter). Added to an oven dish, topped with yet more cheddar and popped under the grill to get all warm, gooey and bubbly.

    My gosh, this is everything I never knew I wanted before I woke this morning with a cheesy corn craving.

    Before anyone comments about it, no this isn’t healthy at all, and I don’t need it to be. I have severe gastro issues and struggle to maintain a healthy weight at the best of times and it’s even harder now I am growing a whole person. I need to get my calories in however I can and my consultant (high risk) advised me to use full fat options, cook with butter, have more cheese etc while pregnant.

  5. Mashed potato, baked beans, sweetcorn and tuna, all mixed together.

    Everyone thinks it’s disgusting but then they’re quite happy with the idea of a jacket potato with beans and tuna 🤷‍♂️

  6. I’m having fish fingers and custard for dinner, because Doctor Who has me intrigued

    Though I’ve not done it yet, I imagine it will work. I got battered fish fingers and the fancy vanilla bean custard

    My guess is it’ll be like the McDonald’s milkshake and fries combo – that sounds disgusting and worthy of a stay in an asylum, but is surprisingly good

  7. Egg curry if the yolk breaks up and mixes into the sauce it looks like vomit, but tastes great.

  8. Doesn’t look bad,
    I agree though, if food tastes and smells good, it doesn’t really matter what it looks like,
    Wether you feel the same after your pregnancy is a different matter lol

  9. Prawn and mushroom egg fried rice with fresh chillies.

    Best described as a bowl of brown (i used a lot of soy sauce), it tasted so good that I made the same again last night.

  10. My pottage. It has bacon, sprouts and lentils in it as a base (plus whatever else there is lying around the fridge that I fancy throwing in) and it never looks ‘presentable’ but it sure does taste good. Especially when I;m feeling under the weather. It’s kind of earthy and salty and rich. Comfort food.

  11. “Bored, pregnant and under the weather” sounds like an ITV documentary along the likes of “young, dumb and living off mom”

  12. Tin of corned beef, chopped up cabbage, frozen corn in the pan with onions, garlic, thyme and a little chilli or scotch bonnet pepper. Fried together with a dash of ketchup served on a bed of rice. Looks something horrendous but tastes delish.

  13. I don’t put much stock in well presented food. It usually doesn’t taste as good.

    I think Anthony Bourdain said something along the lines of he’d rather have tasty home cooked food than some Michelin star food.

  14. I make any number of stews in winter. My partner always describes them as looking revolting but tasting amazing. Glorious brown slop with dumplings.

  15. Oreo buttercream for a chocolate cake. It’s an unappetising shade of grey and goes on the cake a bit lumpy but it’s delicious.

  16. Fried beef mince (10% fat) fried off, towards the end add lots of ginger powder, garlic powder, sugar and soy sauce.
    Serve with rice and Asian slaw or fried Chinese cabbage/pac Choi.

    Looks ugly, tastes lush.

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