Großbritannien rückt bei historischem Erdrutschsieg bei den britischen Wahlen in die Mitte-Links-Richtung

Großbritannien rückt bei historischem Erdrutschsieg bei den britischen Wahlen in die Mitte-Links-Richtung

  1. After what’s happening in France, glad some country is countering the rise of fascism again in Europe

  2. They won 63% of seats, more than doubling their previous result. The outgoing government only got 18%, significantly down from the 56% they got last election.

    It’s a huge long-overdue swing back to sanity.

  3. Now, if only the electors could elect Biden in November and the world may not be completely f’ed.

    Around 4 months left until elections, many things can happen until then, but I hope there is a chance

  4. Putin won’t like that. Rishi wasn’t all that friendly to him, but wow, the left wing don’t like genocidal maniacs nearly as much as the right wing does.

  5. The whole world is throwing out the incumbents. The UK just happened to have conservative incumbents.

  6. Starmer’s Labour is never Centre left. Centrist maybe but they are not left wing.

  7. Center left depends on your position. They are nothing but centrists who will pander to the worst people in society, once again. We need an actual move to the left, not this nonsense.

  8. I hope this means they can reverse the damage done to the NHS and actually improve upon it in our lifetimes.

  9. Centre Left claim is a hard sell. On policy they’re centre right even by UK standards. Even the Lib Dems were more left wing this election

  10. My favorite part was how Labour took back George Galloway’s seat, meaning that the Tankies for Hamas party no longer blights Parliament.

  11. To be fair our right wingers really screwed the pooch over many years to get us to this point. Even then some dumdums felt the answer was to go even further to the right and vote for Trump’s little political anal clingon Farage and his merry bunch of grifters and bigots, Reform (which interestingly (and probably not coincidentally) is the name of Trump’s efforts to inset his ickle rapey fingers into American politics back in 2000)

  12. Haha I can tell this headline is written by an American. Not a single one of our broadcasters would call Labour “centre left” here

  13. Fuck off with that fascism shit. Nazi Germany, Nationalist Spain and Italy were fascists in WW2 what’s happening throughout is populism because left winged nations failed to stop the mass illegal immigration and Conservatives were the same just centre right.

  14. Now for the public to turn on them over the next few years as they don’t magically fix the last 14 years of devastation instantly.

  15. For someone not living in Britain, what does this win mean for Britain’s support for Ukraine? More support? Less support?

  16. Labour shifted centre to capture the fallout that was disillusioned moderate conservatives. The fact that the Liberal Democrat’s made such stratospheric gains (in seats, not in vote share, granted) is proof there is desire for actual centre-left discourse in mainstream British politics.

  17. Labour is not centre-left, esp under Starmer. If you compare labour policies vs elsewhere in Europe, Labour is more like centre leaning towards conservative.

  18. Britain didn’t swing the vote count for labout is almost identically to 2019. The tory party simply self destructed spreading votes between reform the lib dema and the greens

  19. Labour had about 9.6 million votes and Reform UK had about 4 million. Labour has 421 MP’s, and Reform has 4! A problem with the current electoral system.
    I wouldn’t call this a landslide. They campaigned well in the strategic constituencies.

  20. Policy of flying immigrants to Rwanda was utterly abhorrent. Changed me from a conservative voter to labour.

  21. But Reddit told me all of Europe is voting far right facists now…….


  22. Hahahaha! Oh Britain. Bannon, Cambridge Analytica, Farage, Johnson… did their dirty work and now there’s buyer’s remorse. I hope France and America are paying attention.

  23. 2017: Corbyn is unelectable, he is the party of extreme left-ism.
    **Labour votes: 12,877,918**
    **Tory votes: 13,636,684**

    2019: Corbyn is still unelectable. Labour is a fringe party at best. People are not interested!
    **Labour votes: 10,295,912**
    **Tory votes: 13,966,451**

    2024: Kier Starmer’s Labour wins a landslide victory! Centre left politics wins! The people are done with right wing politics!
    **Labour votes: 9,686,329**
    **Tory votes: 6,814,650**
    **Reform (Farage’s right wing turds) votes 4,092,209**

    Of course, total votes doesn’t relate to seats in a FTTP voting system; that is obvious. But it’s hard to say that Labour specifically did much right here. It’s more that Reform destroyed the Tories. If anything the numbers show that the Tories weren’t right wing enough for 4m people.

    It is undeniably great that the Tories have been all but destroyed in Parliament, and it’ll be interesting to see what happens, but this is not an epic leftwards swing will of the people made manifest, and this iteration of the Labour party is definitely not the “centre left” that people think of when they think of that term, and Starmer has made it very clear that he personally is definitely not. This isn’t the major turn around people think it is.

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