Ukraine kills Russian missiles with US air defenses retired years ago

Ukraine kills Russian missiles with US air defenses retired years ago

by Ssider69

  1. It would be a real gamechanger if the USA would send here all the workable written-off equipment younger than 50-60 years. But no. Dosen of this, a few of that. And don’t you dare to shoot something important to Russians!

    This is sad. Still, better than nothing.

  2. interesting that they are still so effective after half a century. About 40,000 Hawk missiles were produced and I would imagine the majority of these are still knocking around in either the US or European countries. They will never be used again by these countries so it seems a no-brainer that they should be given to Ukraine at no cost… I know European countries such as the UK have given some, but there will be many more available.

  3. The uk must have a ton of old Rapier 2000s hanging about somewhere.

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