Give it up guys, we win this one

Give it up guys, we win this one

by Small-Interest-3837

  1. You’d surprised.

    Romanians may drive like shit, but for some reason, they respect the pedestrian red lights religiously, I don’t know why

  2. I always do this, although I am not German. Traffic laws are traffic laws. And so red lights are red lights, no matter the amount of cars.

  3. I sometimes walk up the street 5 metres to get a lil bit away from the traffic lights, to cross the street without having to wait for pedestrian green. Its a gray zone, as jay walking is not really illegal and nowhere is defined when jaywalking begins and when a traffic stop zone stops

  4. I always make a point of jaywalking when I’m there. Germans yelling angrily are funny.

  5. when i’m in a **crossing when the light is red** competition and my opponent is an **80 year old portuguese man with a thick mustache and 0 regards for his own safety**

  6. Introducing: red light cameras. These fuckers are what makes me stand still before a red light no matter what. If you decide to ignore it as theres “no cars nearby” you can expect a fun fine.

  7. In Japan u get judged into oblivion and in china they take picture with facial recognition and post it on a screen to show others of your misconduct

  8. My driving instructor was polish and when I wanted to give someone their right of way he was confused and told me there was someone in Warsaw too and asked if I wanted to wait for him aswell.

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