Ukrainian Partisans Blow Up Russian Railroad Track Used to Transport Ammo From North Korea

Ukrainian Partisans Blow Up Russian Railroad Track Used to Transport Ammo From North Korea

by jonfla

  1. Well done! The logistics of this war must becoming increasingly difficult for Russia with such long and exposed ground lines of communication; not to mention rapidly depleting inventories.

    With F-16’s soon to be delivered to Ukraine and Putin keen on getting a ceasefire it’s more important (and clearer) than even that we need to give Ukraine everything they need to keep up the pressure. It’s working, and if we keep it up, at some point the dam will break.

    “That’s physics; it’s inevitable” – Les Grossman

  2. Brave guys undertaking a dangerous task! If only there was some way to blow up the ammo too while en route to its storage location 😕

  3. There’s got to be a dozen spots on a rail line that long that are extremely vulnerable to partisan attacks. We should pay them well in American money to do their best

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