Chasiv Yar. Hell on earth. Such a landscape, which was once beyond imagination, has already become commonplace in the two years of the war.

Chasiv Yar. Hell on earth. Such a landscape, which was once beyond imagination, has already become commonplace in the two years of the war.

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. The most pointless war in recent history. Russia clearly has no intention to rebuild any of this, they just exterminate Ukrainians and their homes to please a maniacal grandpa in his bunker, so afraid to actually oppose him that they’d rather die at the front.

  2. Disfuckinggusting! to the most extreme. As a “USofA” duck and cover drills veteran I already despised Russia. But this aggression for the purposes of conquest points to deep seated resentment and devolution from modernity. ORCS becomes a more and more appropriate label each and every day this war of childish ego continues.

  3. So you’re saying Ukraine is playing Doom. Rip and Tear until it is done!

  4. Who can defend that?. Its a fiesta for drones… Russia talks about liberating Ukraine needed to look at this pics. They wouldnt mind to destroy everything just to win.

  5. I’m failing to see the military targets or tactical advantage of this area.

    This is just cruelty for the sake of cruelty.

    RuZZia is a terrorist state.

  6. This should come as no surprise to anyone that has followed Russia’s history. They do this everywhere they go, it is their version of war. I don’t understand the international community tolerating this.

  7. Russia, the poorest superpower of the world. I guess their reason for this world is that they want to change all other countries as miserable as themselves.

  8. Peple lived there, kids played in the parks. Everything destroyed. For what. I can’t desciribe how much I detest this terrorist state russia has become. All for nothing.

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