Current temperatures in Europe

Current temperatures in Europe

by BkkGrl

  1. Hey from the egde of that purple spot. Just glad the air here is dry, otherwise it would be literally deadly (well, more than now).

  2. Why did I settle in Scandinavia? 😭

    Oh yeah, right. My wife. Never mind. I’ll find my way out.

  3. It was abnormally cold in Russia this winter. Now it is compensated by abnormal heat

  4. I just returned to Bulgaria from Cyprus. It says 31-32, but it feels like 41-42 there… Pure humid hell. Now I feel cold here.

  5. Can we swap a little of our cold air in the UK for some warm weather from Spain?

  6. All the red makes it seem worse than it is. 25-30 degrees shouldnt be red, its pretty much normal temperature in the summer. And why is under 10 green? It’s not normal for summer. This color grading is fucked up

  7. I would be ok with the temperatures in the UK if it weren’t FUCKING RAINING.

    Buying gym equipment for training in my back garden was stupid. Now I cannot even set it up during the summer.

  8. As a Dane, I absolute love the Scandinavian summer weather right now. Whenever it gets much above 20 degrees I find it very uncomfortable. And with the rain we also have less pollen in the air currently… perfect 🖤

  9. Right now it’s PERFECT in Poland. Everyone’s complaining it’s too cold for summer, but I love it

  10. Belgian here. Our temperatures are surprisingly normal. I feel like many people got used to 25+ in July but a meh **~**20 is much more characteristic of our country. It’s not particularly dry either, compared to a recent year where it hadn’t rained pretty much all summer.

    As a person who dislikes heat, I’m very happy with the current summer.

  11. Being in Ireland I was completely unaware that the rest of Europe was on fire, as usual it’s just mild here had 3 days of sun 3 days of rain tempeture being 10-20 degrees

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