Allied Aircraft clips German Parachute

Allied Aircraft clips German Parachute

by homieTow

  1. There are stories of allied pilots retaliating and killing german pilots who bailed out since they had previously done the same to allied pilots. It’s possible that is what’s happening here.

  2. A relative of mine wrote a memoir of his time as a B-17 gunner that’s been passed down the family. He wrote that it was common for both sides to shoot enemy parachutists. These were kids watching their friends die everyday, brutal times and not particularly noble. I think history has bent the truth of it over time because no one wants to hear it.

  3. No, he almost certainly didn´t ram the parachute. Those aircraft cameras back then were zoomed in quite a bit. There are a lot of footage where planes seem to almost touch enemy planes, like the German cameras when chasing US bombers. They were further back than it looks like on screen.

  4. I believe this was not intentional. I am a pilot.
    A very large piece of cloth with an unbelievably high tear strength connected to a very large number of strong cords with a 100 pound sack of meat at the end? It is advised by most instructors that the pilot avoid pushing their propeller through that. None of these boys had experience with video games where you can safely fly through a blown-up item.

  5. I mean, ramming a human body with a giant blender sounds pretty cruel, can see why it’s a warcrime

  6. From my understanding pilots parachuting over enemy territory are still fair game however not if they are over friendly territory.

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