A Ukrainian soldier destroys a Russian infantryman in close combat in the center of Vovchansk near a nine-story building.

A soldier of the National Police brigade “Lyut” destroys a Russian infantryman in close combat in the center of Vovchansk near a nine-story building. The house, which the police are defending, is under heavy fire from all types of weapons.

by instantkopio

  1. Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. Tagging u/SaveVideo bot to archive this video in a link below this comment.

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  2. Probably a bit more brutal? Since you can clearly hear the Russian screaming at 0.35.

  3. urban warfare is brutal. you need to have all sectors covered constantly.

  4. Translation:

    * Need more ‘nades?
    * Yep… I’m gonna look in the window to see where that cunt is, and will end him…
    * Aren’t they next to the high-rise?
    * Nope, he is right here, I just fed him two ‘nades… He’s been moaning…

    /after the boom at 0:53/:

    * All good?
    * Yes, you?
    * Yep

  5. So let me get this straight- dudes are being attacked from all sides with all kinds of weapons and they’re *laughing* in the middle of it all?

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