Why Russia Had A Breakthrough – Ukraine Ready For Another Offensive? – Ukraine War Map Update News

Why Russia Had A Breakthrough – Ukraine Ready For Another Offensive? – Ukraine War Map Update News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day now it’s a Friday like midday morning where I am but no regardless of where we are in the world we’re all leading into weekend so I hope that you have a fantastic weekend and you take some time for yourself and your family and to all my yank Yanks out there happy 4th of July as well for yesterday or today depending on when you see this it’s hard to get an idea of the time zones when you travel a lot but as always today we have a lot to go we need to look at some gas in and export in Ukraine we need to look at what Putin has said about Trump we need to look at a interview of zalinski as well as what’s been happening with then Tucker Carlson we’ll look at some strikes some important strikes and some geolocations of that and of course look at the maps and some problems that may have occurred in why we have seen some areas fall fairly rapidly now the first spot I want to look is I actually want to look in her son so of course here is Ukraine in the center the capital of here the red areas occupied since 22 and the purple since 2014 now we see her is split by the Neo River the right bank and the Left Bank the way you have right and left bank is the flow of the water if you’re looking in the flow on the Left Bank and of course this flows north to south now I’ve been getting told a lot just to keep an eye on this area because something is going to happen but no more or less specific than this now we get on the fires map that there’s a hell of a lot of fires occurring on the Left Bank so the Russian occupied area then of her son now one thing we do know is the Nova kovka Dam which sits just here that was blown up and of course caused this area to flood down here therefore putting a lot lot more water Downstream than usual that said a lot of that has now dried out and I would say that there’s a lot more growth and these fires will have far more intensity due due to then that growth and what we see by these fires is that a lot of Russian units and their positions are then burning from strikes and ammo dumps all of this and they’re being choked out by then just the smoke bushes wildfires whatever you call it wherever in the world I’m from Southwest Victoria which is one of the most firer areas in the entire globe and full understanding of how dangerous these are and the uh just effect the smoke Al can have so the Russians are fleeing positions down in there now I’m not saying that then this was done on purpose for this but it doesn’t matter cause and effect that if you’ve had a heap of water flow through here it’s dried out Heap or growth then massive fires this may then have the Russians move out of some of these areas that said fires are only for few days few weeks before then that area is been burnt out but something just to look at and you know natural things like this or however it was caused that has a huge then effect both strategically and tactically on than the battlefield now let’s have a look at some things from zalinski so you and me and probably a lot of others saw Tucker then tweet this looks like we’ve got the zinski interview we’ve been trying for 2 years and with particular intensity after interviewing Putin in February the point is to bring Americans much needed information about the conflict that’s completely reshaping their country’s position in the world coming soon we hope now there’s a few things in this of course Tucker Carlson had that incredibly famous interview with Putin and he but he also had you know vly said that we reached out to zinski I want to talk to zinsky and hadn’t heard back but here is saying it looks like we have got it now talking about reshaping the country’s position in the world now this is happening whether right or wrong depending how you see it but people are saying these axis of Evil uh autocratic states are coming closer together so of course you’ve seen Russia North Korea and other states you know become closer but then you’ve also seen economic alliances caused by other factors as well of their bricks and then you’ve also seen asymmetrical elements such as you know Russia’s influence into Africa as China’s influence into Africa and Asia overall so we are in you know a state of flux where the world and America’s position in the world going from a unipolar world to a multipolar world is changing and what is happening here in Israel is just as much if not more of that happening too and we will link how that may come together a little bit as well but zelinsky’s press secretary then said this Mr tarer Carson should more carefully check his sources in the FSB of course Russia’s Security Services like the uh FBI the president of Ukraine has a completely different schedule and Tucker Carlson is not there so zin’s office saying that this is not happening and also this is from an official this is Ukrainian official saying of Tucker’s sources in the fsp now I know it’s sarcastic but I think throwing claims like this still needs to be careful if for me is one thing from an official is another now this from a Ukraine he says tuer Carlson sure is you know whatever but he is a Republican and has a multi-million dollar audience so he has a huge audience maybe it’s still better to make a deal with him some influence the thoughts of Trump’s electorate who we have to work with for the next 4 years now this guy’s making some good points regardless of what you think of Tucker I think it is still in Ukraine’s best interest to interview with Tucker if zinski doesn’t interview with Tucker will Tucker we why not if you if you what then are you hiding and that will have an influence there Tucker is one of the most influential voices in America maybe only second to Rogan uh and has a huge audience like this guy points out why would that you not do anything if you believe that Tucker is just stupid and a source and this that would go on and just deny and rebut everything he says make him look like an idiot and win then that that will go to a huge massive audience and like he puts out of course Tucker is incredibly famous and well-renowned in that conservative party and that conservative party is looking like then it will conservative audience sorry it’s looking like the conservative party in the US would then win there’s I has had an interview with Bloomberg and has said some interesting bits and pieces as well now you can go and watch the full interview here but some Ukrainian Pages have just pulled out some little bits uh that they are then speaking about so he has said Ukraine there are 14 brigades that are not fully equipped and lack weapons according toy he added although provision of these weapons already been approved the supply is proceeding the slow this is something we see Ukraine asking and saying a lot is the weapon Supply it doesn’t matter if it’s approved actually getting them there is incredibly slow they’ve got four brigades that are not equipped but they have then the soldiers we do know though there is still this problem between the ability to conscript mobilized get volunteers have them trained and then actually arm them as well with basic soldiers I can’t see how there’s any problem getting these guys armed into the hundreds of thousands and or Millions with the amount of Supply that has gone to Ukraine every single guy should be an absolute top level gear you’ve seen before I’ve broken down the cost of basic soldiers equipment but really good stuff and how little that is in comparison to other systems that we have seen now this one is well shared by a nefo account we can all Force Russia to end the war this year of course stating that we can force and hard sanctions and this and that to force to end the war as well as by supplying Ukraine but I don’t think in any realm that this war that the West can force Russia to end the war this year other than if there was some military intervention like NATO is going in that is the only way I can see this war then ending on Russia this year the sanctions there’ have been you know maybe a speed hump but it does look like Russia’s coming off the other side of that speed hump in many regards we’ll look at oil in a second but that it’s not a dead end that Ukraine will not lose the better position the point of view of manpal a few months ago and new counter offensive is a matter of arming the brigades then they’re speaking to them 14 then brigades that aren’t armed yet but are ready to go the US and China put their put aside their differences could act together in this war China of course has a hell of a lot to benefit specifically from this war now let’s have a look at some strikes now the first I want to talk about is in tbol so this is actually the point of view of this video this is in Russia in t b so have a look here and what we can see is then a Ukrainian drone here coming from left to right of your screen now we can’t actually see what it is hit here it goes down behind this hill where we see then these Smoke Stacks we see then an explosion come up but nothing more than this now people are saying that this is a gunpowder Factory what I will say is if it hit and destroy the gunpowder Factory this explosion would be immensely larger than this now I’m not saying it didn’t hit that but if it ignited that magazine of that powder it would be much larger too but again we’re seeing Ukrainian drones operating a hell of a long way and behind the line now a highas has struck a crew of a Russian super cam drone too so we can see is this drone in the air the one guiding in the high Mars is overhead here we can see then the assembling putting a together then the Drone the car then driving around and then eventually a strike on this I can’t show this on uh YouTube but it will be on the telegram if you’d like to then see it now in pava which is in Ukraine just here to get an idea here’s ke here’s H then we have seen that a Russian drone has been overhead as a k59 cruise missile has struck them an oil storage facility so we’re just looking up here I hate these massive massive waterm marks but we can see oil storage facility here at and then you can see that there are multiple tanks here then destroyed and burning at least 1 2 3 4 5 maybe then six on there so we can see successful strike against oil there as well now in the hary region we then see these Fabs being dropped now I don’t show I’m not going to show every bit of Fab but the interesting one with this is you can see how these have improved their accuracy I believe these are probably 250s or 500s but you can see how accurate and deadly these are now what you can see is these drop down this tree line in then a linear fashion the first second third down here then through a tree line now what we know of a lot of areas on the front line let’s just go down into somewhere are you know really tree line to tree line and these Fabs are causing a huge issue lot of bang very cost effective and this tree line down here unless you’re in really heavily fortified positions that is an incredibly deadly strike on there the guys I talk to not only are the Fabs having an effect but psychologically they’re having a huge effect as well so let’s talk a little bit about oil and gas and some other areas in the globe that may be supplying areas and how we spoke about this world order shifting and this will link into this so This has come out as well overnight Vlad zinski said that Ukraine is discussing the transit of aaban gas to the European Union the government is currently discussing an agreement to replace Russian gas with aabani gas now one thing I will say and this is one of the weird things of this war is there are pipelines that flow from Russia through Ukraine into Europe flowing that gas and that has never been disrupted through this war by either side we do not want to extend the gas contract with the Russian Federation we don’t want them to make money here in turn aan has said that it wants to increase gas exports to Europe but has not yet signed enough long-term agreements to invest in further gas production until aan is able to increase its capacity it can exchange cargo with Russia European countries continue to import fuel through the pipeline that crosses Ukraine in May gas Imports to Europe from Russia exceeded supplies from the US for the first time in almost 2 years despite the region regions efforts to abandon Russian fossil fuels in June 24 Russian gas prom increase its average daily natural gas supplies to Europe by almost 23% compared to last year the world is very hungry for gas for oil for these supplies now let’s have a look of course aaban sits down in here borders both Russia and Iran and of course in the Caspian Sea they wanting to ship that across rather than in from Russia and this is that change that we have seen But speaking of asan to relate to where I am now that Israel become aan leading oil customer with 300 million imported just in January so it’s own geopolitical a geopolitical conflict with Armenia we know Russia has a lot to do there ties That isra continue to improve despite International pressure on both countes so as you can see that conflicts this reshapes and changes how things are around the world and we know there are many different pipelines flowing from areas in India through to turkistan from aaban from areas Saudi all these massive gas and oil Giants that sit around here of course Russia’s growing influence into Kazakhstan usbekistan Afghanistan tanist as well so the next few years is going to be really really interesting to see how sort of the world order is sitting we know that former president Donald Trump is currently in the polls the favorite to win then the next us election let’s have a look at what Putin has said then about Trump the fact that Mr Trump as a presidential candidate says that he and wants to stop the war in Ukraine we take that very seriously I I haven’t seen his ideas on how exactly he’s going to do that and that is the key question but I have no doubt that he says that sincerely and we support they’re saying that he hasn’t yet seen whatever proposal Trump would have to end the war but that they would consider it then seriously now some people will say well this is Putin cuz he knows he is losing or I would say no it’s because Putin knows if this can stall here if they can then resign a negotiation peace deal here based on the stanbul agreement something like this and Russia keep these areas that he can sell this absolutely as a victory and it won’t have the the massive cost and part of that will be Ukraine’s further neutrality now there’s a lot of talk about NATO and Ukraine and Corruption and all of this as I said every time and there are people saying that Ukraine is going to get into NATO before then the presidential election Ukraine’s NATO membership is not only the end of the war as one of the main elements there are a lot of other elements Ukraine is going to have to reach before them NATO membership for Ukraine is years away at a minimum it’s not then months there may be agreements there may be deals but NATO full NATO membership it’s still a long way off so it will be interesting to see if Trump gets in what is then sort of between Putin and the US and keave because Ukraine does not want to give up any territories at all but you know the advisers to Trump have said that if Ukraine doesn’t want to do this then uh Military Arms will be then limited and that would have of course a Russian advancement but if Russia doesn’t then want to come to the table that then more Military Arms may come in to Ukraine as well from the US one thing I will say is the presidents are a speak seeking head for the party for the rest of government and the government is incredibly powerful the military industrial complex is incredibly powerful and making billions tens of billions of dollars specifically off this so ending that sort of Golden Goose well we’re not 100% sure how that will then look now I’ve had you stick around this long and I’ve got some bad news the maps just are not updating but let’s have a look at some areas and some changes we may see now want to talk is will come down then into New York of course we see this Russian push up here and and then out in shumi confirmed by then all of these Maps now deep state has then released this today along with a screenshot basically of their own map the situation with the 206 OB T which describe in the network is unfortunately true we received a lot of messages from the fighters which contained a critical and disappointing State of Affairs in the tetk area in particular the settlements of New York and urva the military political leadership should pay attention to the management process of the 41st OB ombr seconded units this includes the 206 which has become a reason for public discussions in the last few days one possible outcome is the loss of New York and DK which will become an additional burden on the Defense Forces leading to irreversible consequences if the relevant events are not taken into account in order to take measures then the command of the 41st will wipe out the seconded units and the situation will only worsen and in order to avoid unnecessary speculations let us note that is the incredible efforts of the soldiers that hold back the onsl of the enemy but people are not Eternal and no one is capable of returning life it’s also worth noting that tragic processes are also taking place in these areas so there are further problems command issues supply issues on other areas of course we’ve seen uh then deep State talk about this a little bit it is a bit awkward Because deep state of course have a lot of deals with Ukrainian calling out problems that are directly then happening now I’ve got some other Maps here that I usually don’t use but this is one this is a Russian sources map here now what this is showing is more of a push right up into then these first blocks outside of even the gray Zone here but we’ll wait and see if other Maps then update we have then a Noel reports map here saying a possible Russian advancement here now I know for a fact because of these Maps this is deep state that this is not possible that this has actually been occurred and then we have one more update from now reports to update just to the south of here around the OSHA front as well let’s have a look at what he says of course typically he’s very conservative towards any Russian gain here and you can just see the difference in some of these Maps so this is Ukrainian mod map this is then the Noel reports have a look at then soil down in here so he’s saying that the Border runs just where this road is in soil and then up just into Nova so you can see that this shows significantly different too than the other Maps this is why we could use multiple ones and compare what is in going on let me do one last refresh and see no not going to update for us today but legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day if you like to support me the links down below but look after yourselves and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thank You

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  1. 8:00 sure, technically if that happened the war would end this year, as there would only be huge steaming craters left where Ukraine, Russia, and NATO countries used to be.

  2. Evolution of Western media headlines:
    Ukraine already won
    Ukraine is winning
    Ukraine will win
    Ukraine can still win
    Ukraine must win
    Peace talks with Putin are not an option
    Peace agreement on Russian terms is capitulation
    We can't allow Russia to win
    Ukraine considers inviting Russia to the next peace conference

  3. Its ok Willy Britain is sending all its mainstream politicians and their families, as usual france have declined, and Germany well still thinking about it and Biden and the Democrats cant remember

  4. Zelenskyy wont want Tucker to interview him. There can’t be a script and if Tucker brings up things like Azof, Right Sector. Or his claim of 30 000 casualties through whole war. Imagine tucker bringing up the scuppered peace deals and how this war actually started.Problem with. liar is he won’t like being questioned.

  5. Tucker is NOT a Republican. He has always been a die hard Democrat. He woke up when he was censored when he was reporting truth so he started investigating (like a real reporter) why he was being censored. The more he investigated the more corruption in the US government he found and reported on. This is why he was fired and they tried to cancel him. It is Tucker's own party, the Democrats, who claim he is a Republican. Trucker has never said this.

  6. The easiest way to end the war is a treaty (not a statement from a secretary of state) with Russia stating that NATO will not expand any farther east. The hypocrisy of the US government which has tried to destroy Cuba with an invasion, multiple assassination attempts on Fidel Castro and no trade since 1959 and is now insisting that Russia accept NATO forces on it's border is sickening.

  7. Ukraine once made fun of Russia for recruiting convicts. Now Ukriane is trying to enlist convicts however Ukrainian convicts are refusing to join a lost cause.

  8. It’s to late for Ukraine and their former land , not even Trump can get it back for them , make a deal on Odesa so they are not land locked and kiss the rest goodbye, they should have taken the deal back in 22 if they wanted to keep what they had

  9. Trump peace plan: Putin must negotiate or US will give Ukraine all the weapons it needs. Zelensky must negotiate or US will stop all military aid. If both refuse, the plan fails. But Russia will negotiate to avoid extra weapon deliveries. Zelensky must negotiate or aid will stop. Trump freezes current borders and forces a ceasefire. Trump stalls Ukraine NATO membership and forbids NATO further encircling Russia towards the East. Once there is an peace agreement Trump arms Ukraine with defense systems to avoid Russia invading again .

  10. I find it funny that when Willy finally revisits us in Israel there is a possibility for a ceasefire. Who is going to refund Willy's ticket?
    Willy, spend time eating, Middle Eastern kitchen kicks ass.

  11. Zelensky only does interviews with media clearly part of Ukraine’s blind support chorus. A Tucker Carlson interview has a huge downside for Zelensky because Carlson could ask questions he cannot effectively answer with truthful answers. Zelensky definitely doesn’t want to talk about whether he’s still constitutionally leader of Ukraine, why martial law with no elections, lack of free press, reporting truthful casualty numbers, and why he didn’t honor Minsk Accords. Beyond this, the list of Zelensky cannot answer honestly is huge!

  12. Unless you know something we don't, why are you hanging around isreal, that is not going to happen, a ceasefire in gaza is coming,,and hezbollah agreed if a ceasefire comes,they will stop firing, what do u know

  13. 59,000 plus drones going to Ukraine from Australia. The Ukrainian community is selling their community buildings. Built in China, Ukrainian brain. 🧠

  14. 6:43 Zelensky is full of sh**. He has 14 brigades "on paper" with no soldiers or 90% reduced personnel, that need western equipment.
    Translating from Ukranian to English – we need 14 brigades worth of equipment and money to steal from the West.

  15. The Tucker situation just shows that despite prioritising headlines over frontlines the Ukies shy away from anyone asking questions, let alone challenging the narrative. The people will remember Putin giving an interview and Z-Man chickening out of an actual interview other than having propagandists ask the dictated questions.

  16. Goebels nato naci propadanda is trying to find anything to show us have ukro naciz are wining when there is nothing and front is breaking all over the place.Russian army is pushing nacis on every part of the front and will win and liberete Ukraina from nato-naci woke sotonists.

  17. No Willy, Russia will not accept Ukraine joining Nato in any circumstance.
    If pressured by Trump they might accept making ceasefire with Zelenski but only if afterwards (rest of) Ukraine is neutral and demilitarised, puppet state of RU pretty much…

  18. I will not be surprised if Zelensky arrests Tucker and has Tucker murdered behind closed doors like Ukraine has done with other Americans.

    America standing for freedom is like saying the third reich was trying to create a Jewish empire.

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