This is escalating quickly

This is escalating quickly

by Swatieson

  1. Yet she’s probably with the guy n the left and not the one on the right …

  2. No worries just some PIGS 🇵🇹🇮🇹🇩🇪🇪🇸 food banter ☺️

  3. I’m sorry Hans, usually I would have your back handling these pigs, but I do fucking love chorizo.

  4. European ‘humour’ absolutely disgusts me and is a combination of cringe and tragic.

    It’s how you know Britain is different.

  5. ![gif](giphy|fQizuCZurJxWVE98qJ)

    Us with our saucisson (it’s wayyyy better than those)

  6. If we looser, EM is over. We will start sining our Song and all of you can leave (except the scottish, they can stay)

  7. Nice try, but no.

    The bratwurst might be more plain than the chorizo, BUT, it is just waaaaay more versatile.

  8. I would have said well played and fair win for Spain except for that last minute. We still can be proud of our team.

  9. sorry, but Spaniards have always been the most disrespectful football nation on earth, clubs as well as internationals, no joke

  10. Oops! Looks like part of the sign is missing, allow me…

    Cumberland > Chorizo > Bratwurst

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