US cities can now punish homelessness. Will it help or hurt a crisis?

US cities can now punish homelessness. Will it help or hurt a crisis?

by diacewrb

  1. I’ll admit, I was worried our country was sliding into a right-wing theocracy, but after seeing the Supreme Court’s ruling on City of Grant’s Pass v. Johnson, I am sufficiently convinced nobody is trying to turn us into a *Christian* nation.

  2. How is jailing people for being homeless going to help the current crisis?

  3. This is an unpopular opinion — but I think the harsher policies will help. These draconian policies will get the Homeless into the shelters, and force them on a path of re-socialization. I don’t think letting the Homeless do what ever they want is the solution nor is pandering them with expensive non-solutions (like thousand dollar tens) in order to satiate a woke agenda. Homeless are often jobless, getting them into shelters and putting them on civil projects like cleaning streets and building homes (habitat for humanity) and working at shelters will get them occupied and on the road towards recovery.

  4. Well if you start throwing them in jail then you have to pay for it with higher taxes.

  5. American economy about to get a boom with legal slave labor returning for the crime of “existing without money”.

  6. Liberal here: The silver lining might end up being the non-profit industrial complex won’t be so much of a thing anymore. Take CA for example, CA has spent $24 billion to tackle the homeless problem. A judge ruled an independent 3rd party audit of where the money went and the report stated they can’t account for $12 billion. This type of theft is about on par percentage wise when audits can’t account for money being spent at the Pentagon.

    If people and organizations are saying they’re raising money to help the homeless and end up pocketing the money, there’s a special place in Hell for said people.

    We as a nation should demand full transparency and accountability for any organization that works in the non-profit industrial complex. And swift punishment for those who knowingly and willingly abuse the system.

  7. Hmm, it’s like blaming the victim and punishing them for something that they have little or no control over. Some are suffering from underemployment, addiction, or something and this is their only choice for a place to live.

    Is it an eyesore? Yea.

    It’s also home for them. this “problem” has so much nuance and highlights failures of the safety net we have on paper but is filled with so much red tape and ill-fitting policies it’s like a hedonic treadmill of ills.

  8. Yea we need to punish them! because being homeless is fun and not a punishment already… i also blame mexicans for why i’m lazy and cant hold a job.

  9. We need way more shelters across the nation if we’re going to do this

    Drugs violence and disease follows these camps, but if we want to clear them and get people onto abstinence, and rehabilitation they need to be in shelters where we can care for them

  10. This is a stupid question, of course it will worsen the crisis. It’s also inhumane.

  11. We need to bring back the looney bins and that will likely solve at least 30% of the homeless population. That would likely free up shelter space for people who are serious about getting back on track…the baddies will end up back in jail.

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