Can i keep him?

Little guy came over. Thought was interesting

by duggee315

  1. I’ve finally made friends with the crow who visits my garden. He was a bit jumpy at first because my dogs are out a lot but they don’t really bother him now. Got to the point he’ll sit on the fence, I’ll give him the little “areet” nod and he sort of *bows* and flies off. 

  2. You caught Skarmory! Now you can kill the Toothfairy. DON’T LET ME DOWN.

  3. 2 years ago I had one that would sit on my shoulder and pull my hair. Would eat from my hand, welcome me into the garden.. more affectionate than my cats…

  4. They’re really smart and loyal. Usually after you feed them, they give gifts as thanks. You can train them to get more of the gifts you want by giving them better food afterwards, which reinforces the behaviour. Someone has trained theirs to bring money, not sure where they source it from so best not advertise that you have birds robbing people on your behalf!

  5. Very smart animals. Years ago we had one visit us every day for a while. He used to come to me as well. I’ve got a photo of me with him sitting on my shoulder.

  6. He will decide if you are worthy, not you. Just don’t piss him off he will hold a grudge for life.

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