HIMARS strike on dugout in Belgorod with up to 50 conscripts

HIMARS strike on dugout in Belgorod with up to 50 conscripts

by iivankin1

  1. For Russia it is still a successfully intercepted missile.

    In a country where human life has no value, 50 conscripts that intercept a missile that would otherwise have hit a tank, ammunition depot or oil tank is a successful day.

  2. Would the  shrapnel penetrate the dugout, looks like only the entrance was hit hard 

  3. Im seriously in doubts if vatniks evolved into 21st century. Feels like these ragdolls still living in medieval

  4. I truly think that Russia is deleting citizens that will cost the country money if they live much longer. All of them, if your not an asset, your a financial liability.

  5. It’s been my understanding tha himars is being jammed. Is that no longer the case?

  6. Where’s the “50” coming from?

    That’s an ungodly amount of people to fit underground; more than we’ve seen in one place, ever.

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