Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine

Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine

by On-Balance

  1. Extreme right wing politics is the reaction to a lack of a backbone of leftist politicians. The ‘let any migrant in’ philosophy is now being countered by a surge to the right. Both are as stupid as each other. Look at Switzerland….a country that has tried and succeeded to remain true to its heritage, restricted immigration, restricted building and cultural expresson to conform to a national identity…the result is a very happy content country. No need for massive swings from left to right and back again. Just a clear vision and a desire to provide a good quality of life for its citzens. So many countries have opened their doors to mass immigration….the result is discontentment….and a massive swing to right wing nationalist political expression.

  2. Everywhere in Europe the left has abandoned the normal people by allowing immigration waves of people that refuse to adjust to the new country they live in with their extreme religion.

    Most Muslims are normal hard working people but we have allowed an increasingly intolerant group of people to take hold of our society.

    Our extremely friendly human rights policy has become incompatible with what is civically acceptable.

  3. Did I read that her only two points are (1) no French troops on ukranian soil. 2) French weapons cannot be used in Russia proper.

    Both of these stances are currently the position of macron. wtf am I missing.

  4. The French have that much of a boner to shelter under a Nazi flag again?

  5. Do that and you lose your position in the EU

    I don’t mind a diminished France.

  6. The comparison with a century ago goes further than the failure of the left to address the working classes problems and fears. We must not forget we are dealing with new types of media: in the 30’s it was radio and film. Now its social media that is actively used for propaganda (im thinking of you Xitter).

    Like in the 30’s, the extreme right is the first to master the use of the new media. And like then, the masses are to inexperienced with it to discern the lies. Lies are what drives the extreme right and to some degree the extreme left.

    Your kids cant buy or rent a house? Its not some complex problem of nitrogen deposition and market cornering by corporations, its the immigrants taking your houses! No more immigrants, problem solved!
    Having trouble expanding your industry or (Industrial) farming? Just diminish the protected nature areas and get rid of regulations!

    The core message is: You (the old white male voter), can keep doing what you have always done. We will protect your (threatened) way of life!

  7. She says that but I think once she starts getting her daily reports about the Russian threat to France and Europe as a whole, she will have a change in mind. The French will not allow what happened to them by the Nazis in WW2 again so will have to work with other European nations to ensure their security as a whole.

  8. Pretty sure the headline should read ” French far right readies white flag for support in  Ukrainian conflict”

  9. Le pen can suck Le dick.

    Yeah let’s stop helping Ukraine said no sane person, ever.

    And it’s always the right/far right. They’re just like fuck everybody but us on pretty much any subject.

  10. There are too many traitors among us. Fuck this woman and everyone voting for her.

  11. and what’s the plan when they’re invading Poland?

    this head in the sand bullshit is going to cost European and American lives.

  12. Oh how the French forget. In World War II it took the whole world to get their country back. They folded in a month under Germany.

  13. Does not matter. French support is pathetically small. EU and US support is essential and will remain the same. In addition, South Korea and Japan are increasing their support. Time is not on ruzzzzia’s 🤡side.

  14. We all see what’s happening here. Us in the UK got away from putins fuckeries if you look at party donors. As I understand a coalition in France can stop these deluded maniacs?

  15. Like 20 years ago she was at a fascist conference in Russia. She’s been part of Russia’s plan for a long time. Her party was founded by nazi trash oops they don’t like talking about their history. But these are the ppl who need to force the planet to keep using oil to keep funding dictators. 

  16. Shouldn’t the French chase her in the streets like they did the Nazi collaborators?

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