In Mariupol, RoTV employees were prohibited in showing new construction from a bird’s eye view. Reminiscent to Potemkin village, that was designed to impress the Russian empress Catherine the Great. The term describes an elaborate facade designed to hide an undesirable reality

In Mariupol, RoTV employees were prohibited in showing new construction from a bird’s eye view. Reminiscent to Potemkin village, that was designed to impress the Russian empress Catherine the Great. The term describes an elaborate facade designed to hide an undesirable reality

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. That’s more than what i would have expected. I heard stories from east Germany that only the lower levels were painted which the nomenclatura could see from inside their limousines.

  2. There’s likely still bodies in those building skeletons in the backgroud

  3. They destroyed thousands of homes and replaced them with a few hundred. The people they killed can’t be rebuilt. Don’t forget the video of Putin visiting these new homes only for a local in the background to shout that “it’s all lies…”

  4. Is it even real? Looks AI or green screen. Commie blocks aren’t normally that … colorful.

  5. I’ve lived in US cities where the wealthy neighborhoods are right next to the poor ones. Some will say this is no different. I disagree.

    When I drive through poorer neighborhoods, I am not being implicitly asked to accept an outright lie. I’m being asked to tolerate inequality. Quite different.

    When I see this picture that is what occurs to me. People who will live here, and who built it, and who will work to maintain it, all are being requested to perform and absorb a lie.

    Justice is offended by unbridled wealth disparity. But this kind of abomination — this is a killing field! — offends reason as much as it does justice.

    I enter into evidence a Princeton professor’s critical important essay from 1986, a topic long-untreated by professional philosophers, ironically:

    [“On Bullshit” — H. Frankfurt, 1986](

    Russia is a bullshit mountain.

  6. Yeah, I guarantee the only ones living in those newly constructed buildings aren’t supposed to be there in the first place.

  7. It’s been well documented that they do cheap tricks like changing the alignment of the street or the address so that the building doesn’t have the same address as the building that used to be there, thus preventing the former inhabitants from having any claim.

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