Putin Panics, Scapegoats After Kharkiv DISASTER!

Putin Panics, Scapegoats After Kharkiv DISASTER!

is Putin panicking over the high casualties in vens and is he even trying to deflect responsibility plus is Ukraine really being forced out of chavar I’m Paul US Army Combat veteran let’s talk about it okay so this is a really interesting story I thought uh and this is um you could see that the Russian FSB officers have reportedly detained the commander of the Russian 183rd guards vdv Brigade uh on fraud charges now you guys know that in the Russian military and in the political apparatus uh fraud is just the table Stakes uh you almost everyone is expected in the Russian government to supplement their income using uh fraud deception in the case of the Russian military a lot of times even in the initial invasion you might recall that everybody from basically low-level sergeants were selling fuel all the way up to high off officers like Colonels uh were selling highle military gear so uh finding an officer uh who’s committed fraud in the Russian military is like finding an officer with a uniform uh it’s pretty much endemic but when you do see someone arrested for fraud there’s usually an actual message we’re going to say behind it right um and in this case it seems likely that uh this is because his Brigade suffered eye-watering losses in har in the last month right uh and the fact it was FSB military Counter Intelligence Officers that did the detaining tells you that this guy wasn’t out there uh you know selling shitty Russian Optics on eBay right this is some serious business and the uh Russian media said of course gorodilov uh denied the charge and said he’s going to seek a quiddle uh right but he’s stuck in pre-trial detention and again in somewhere like Russia uh when the FSB makes an arrest the the reality is a foregone conclusion as isw points out Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian military command may be punishing godo delov for what Putin perceives as gross incompetence it failed to achieve its military objectives while causing the death of of a significant number of quote Elite unquote Russian service members in harke I think this is actually uh missing a little bit of burying the lead a little bit right because one of the things is that it’s been very very public that Russian losses on in harke have been huge right one NATO Source described the losses as astronomical and that makes sense because from interviews with Ukrainian troops fighting in harke they acknowledged that Russia initially trying to roll out um mechanized vehicles and armored support uh but Ukrainian drones just tore them to pieces because initially uh the the attack was ordered before those Vehicles had drone jamming technology right they hadn’t gotten their Jammers installed yet and it seemed like in the rush to deploy those troops to start that offensive there was real issues uh real logistical issues that hadn’t yet been solved so those Vehicles got wiped out almost immediately meaning that all Russia had left to fight that fight was light infantry troops and so we’ve seen involve Chang small groups of Russian infantry um just sort of sometimes it seems like wandering aimlessly towards Ukrainian lines um getting just Torn to Pieces by drones quite literally um if if you’re a member of combat vet news you know we’ve been watching this uh on the members only section for weeks um it’s it’s almost tedious to see these drones just butcher these hopeless Russians and here’s the thing if we see it right in the western media yeah Russia doesn’t have the same open media but they still have Telegram and these videos do get out rumors do get out the soldiers know uh we’ve seen uh many of the videos from soldiers involv chanks right we covered it on this channel the soldier goes listen we’re just being wounded if we’re if we’re able to walk we’re basically sent back into the fight and so a lot of uh the soldiers also know casualties are really really high what does that mean right when it becomes so high Casualty that it becomes a political liability for someone like Putin How do you solve it well you you have to be seen as doing something and for Putin I think this Commander did exactly what Putin told him to do but Putin says listen someone has to be the sacrificial lamb so that I and the my buddies at the Kremlin don’t get held accountable for this policy so what we’re going to do is we’re going to charge you with fraud and we’re going to give you a slap on the wrist and we’re going to remove you from command and that way these soldiers who are being sent on these uh what we’ll generously call one-way missions uh these soldiers are going to be able to say look we knew it wasn’t supposed to be this High casualty emission it was this particular commander who did it he’s responsible and now Putin has gotten rid of him and and and the the the casualty rates are going to drop again they May indeed drop right but only because Russia appears to be um abandoning its offensive Ambitions in the region uh not because uh there’s a fundamental shift in uh the tactics that uh the Russian military is using so hopefully you see that this guy again while Russia’s not a free country um they’re still subject to politics and politicking and perception and if there’s one thing we know about politics Wherever You Are it’s that when somebody screws up they always have a subordinate take the fall so that the big man the true power broker doesn’t get held accountable anyway guys uh before we talk about the CH of Yar thing let’s talk about the Fourth of July sale baby strike gum is out here and we are spreading Freedom across the globe uh freedom from being under caffeinated uh our fourth of July sales 20% off everything period worldwide so if you are from Europe or Australia and you’ve been waiting for a chance to get strike gum uh all orders over 25 bucks get 20% off automatically apply to checkout which is perfect cuz we just rolled out the five-pack so if you’re looking for the five-pack um you want to pick some up but but let’s be honest if we’re going to ship this thing to you worldwide efficiency simple unit economics dictates that you should get the tray right that’s the equivalent of 75 energy drinks in here if you’re looking for a way to power through the fatigue that comes from summer I know you Europeans are all going to be in on vacation in August but you know you don’t just want to sleep through your own vacation that’s no fun so pick up some strike gum yeah you can get it on Amazon but if you want the discount you got to go to strike gum.com right this is the time to do it again there’s no promo code it just it just happens when you check out right so thank you uh you’re you’re welcome as an American we’re out here spreading Freedom with the best zero sugar energy drink alternative okay so here’s the thing Russia isn’t the only one who’s having a tough time with things right Ukrainian forces recently had to withdraw from a portion of the town of chivar and we saw this in the Deep state map here over the last couple of days right we’ll we’ll just zoom it in here real quick chavar as you guys know is due west of Bachman and you can see that over the last uh maybe 24 hours right Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from this uh District here in the uh Eastern portion of the town right now this just kind of makes sense you can see there’s a a canal here forming a natural water obstacle which does make uh defending easier um and this is kind of the this is kind of the nuances of military operation now you can see what does Ukraine’s partial chivar withdrawal actually mean right and this is from the Kev independent which is very Pro Ukrainian so take it with a grain of salt right but the Ukrainian Armed Forces said quote if became impractical to hold the canal neighborhood again likely the neighborhood over the canal creative naming uh became impractical hold the canal neighborhood after the Russians entered it because it threatened the lives and health of our servicemen and the positions of our Defenders were destroyed so again yeah they chose not to fight to the last man but like if Russia has destroyed all your defensive positions then you’ve been forced out right like like that’s what losing a battle is you know if you don’t have any defensive positions left the en that can stop the enemy’s Advance then the enemy has has defeated you which is again this isn’t like news right we know this is how Russia’s been operating by through sheer Mass they can push the ukrainians out of many many different areas right they’ve said the canal neighborhood has been obliterated here’s let’s see if we can pull this up here oh God it’s x g okay all right never mind I cannot stand X’s interface it drives me absolutely ballistic but as you can see you could kind of see the remnants of what used to be the neighborhood but now it’s just a pile of rubble and you can also see that I think this is in one hand part of the Ukrainian Strate y to not dig in and go toe-to-toe with the Russians unnecessarily I think they’re going to wait until they get their new brigades and new equipment um but again to say that it’s a voluntary withdrawal to better defensive lines is like is like correct but misses kind of the core point and this is just something to be aware of in in in war right I call out Russian propaganda all the time and you know Ukrainian uh propaganda also tends to be a little little more subtle uh Western messaging tends to be a little more spin doy whereas Russians will just straight up lie through their teeth um but again is this like the the big end of chv Yar no not right now but it is a troubling turn of events um given that as we know Russia really has a pretty uncanny ability to once they sort of dig their teeth into any forest or urban area they have the ability to uh Advance into it um um like a just just like a virus just creeping through uh anywhere like this the Ukraine tends to thrive in the fight uh during when Russia’s forced across open ground we know this right we can see that when there’s Russian forces have to charge across open ground it’s a way worse situation for them anyway guys that is all I had a huge thank you to the colonel tier members of combat news.com uh including um uh let’s see where were we last time Bill CER Judith Haynes Jeff St John’s kid Randall lie Alan Weber and Rico Garcia and thanks to oh yep yep I got you the colonel tier members be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel right it does tell the YouTube algorithm that I make good content and it doesn’t cost you anything I’ll see you guys in the next one thanks cheers

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  1. Taking 25% of your neighbor's territory in 24 months would put you in "panic mode"?
    your propaganda which makes people believe that the Russian Orthodox are bankrupt, instead of mobilizing to continue financing Ukrainians.

  2. The more you are allowed to steal, the more loyal you are to Putin, but the less effective you are for society. As Putin demands more effectiveness in order to win the war, his subordinates are forced to steal less. It seems that not everyone agrees with this. Putin is losing his loyal base. At a certain level of effictiveness, the system can manage without Putin

  3. I could see an opportunity for Ukraine and its allies to purchase information on troop location and movements etc. Same as the cartel infiltrates the Mexican gov't. I mean that fraudulent behavior is already there why not exploit it?

  4. NATO didn't just suprise Russia by secretly authorizing the UA to attack across the border with supplied boom booms. They got every possible warning before it was authorized. And when it happened, the Ruskies were caught unprepared for losing their safe space. The degree of incompetence is just outstanding.

  5. i think it's telling they're willing to prosecute one of their commanders of Bucha, victors don't get prosecuted. also things aren't going so great in the northern Horlivka front, even though there's a fair amount of defensive constructs there unfortunately.

  6. Kinda like how Trump made Biden his sacrificial lamb after Trump destroyed the economy with his plandemic and negotiated a rushed pullout in Afghanistan.

  7. RU POV: Putin: Kiev regime won't negotiate peace because they'll lose the pretext for martial law and if they hold elections, they will lose.

  8. ru pov: Ukrainian vet who lost his legs shows his government disability compensation is around $37/month. Yes Ukraine is soo good and love ther people. 😂🤣

  9. Since the start of the war Russian were getting 3 to 1 casualties, on that offensive they got 6 to 1, the people who still says the Ukranie cant win just because Russia have a much larger population have no idea about war or history

  10. UA POV: Filip Siman, 27-year-old citizen of Czech Republic, is under trial for illegally serving in Ukrainian army and looting – Seznam Zprávy

  11. Paul remove your Adblock extension. Just keep Ublock Origin. Adblock has been shady, they sell peoples information. Also…Adblock is redundant if you have Ublock. 👌 @combatveteranreacts.

  12. Is it really a (Kharkiv)disaster for the Russians, for Putler ? I guess not really , it's for the Russians just a try and error, a little sit back if you want to notice the whole russian picture on the fronts.

  13. It's hard to be respectful when we are talking about Putin and the way he don't care about the Rushin soldiers. Putin is usinĝ his fighters as cannon fatter. How uncaring can a cold heated man be, how low can Putin go, yes how LOW can Putin go

  14. It's just amazing, does this veteran have listeners who believe him? The veteran picks his nose and cites new cases of losses and incompetence in the Russian army. The words logic are not familiar to him, chewing gum.

  15. The thing is that Russia represents a criminal culture. A criminal nation. Such has been in theory co-livable to an extent by civilized nations. But knowing now that the ultimate effect of being a criminal nation is to go and steal and do injustice to other nations, I think we have arrived to the end of the possibility of seeing co-living possible. This is the premise of the greater conflict and resolution to come soon. Either we will all be Russia. Or there will be no, as we know it currently.

  16. Jonathan Fink and Phillips Ingrams interview on silicon curtain describes russian missinformation and lies as death by a thousand cuts. Many things effecting us have connections with Russian Criminal Money …Trump Jet and the Russian Government plane parked up beside each other day after the TV debate is the current conspiracy theory … Putin uses "influencers" and will of course "lie through his teeth" as Paul stated but there is a lot more pyschological pressure being exerted on us than just this and just what we realise.
    Ukraine does not do this ……..because it does not need to …. the truth is all to evident. Slava Ukraini & Heroyam Slava

  17. Great update. By the way are you voting Blue? Just to remind you Bone Spurs never served when he was called. Studio 54 was his Vietnam. Also, soldiers who are captured or lose their lives in battle are suckers and losers. Not cool coming from bone spurs. It is why I am voting Blue through and through. God, Country, and Constitution are first. Semper fi.

  18. I don't think Putin would order troops to just be slaughtered, it's really the commanders causing this to happen Putin isn't like yeah just throw everything at them no matter the cost, this makes no sense unless your insane…. So…. Hmmm just like bakmut preghozion blamed Sergei shoigu and the other guy because sometimes the commanders really are incompetent!…

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