Ukraine war: EU’s most Russia-friendly leader meets Putin in Moscow | BBC News

Ukraine war: EU’s most Russia-friendly leader meets Putin in Moscow | BBC News

the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban has met Vladimir Putin in Moscow on a visit that’s been criticized by other European leaders Mr Orbin is the European Union’s only head of national government to maintain warm ties with Russia since the fullscale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 speaking alongside Mr Putin he said Hungary viewed its sixth month presidency of the EU as a peace mission for Ukraine and that his visit was a step to restoring dialogue but the EU foreign policy Chief has said Mr Orbin has no mandate to represent the block well for more here’s our Russia editor Steve Rosenberg with the latest this was quite extraordinary just a few days after his country had assumed the rotating presidency of the EU hungary’s primee Minister Victor Orban flew to Moscow without his EU hat on for surprise talks with President Putin about the war in Ukraine sparking consternation in the European Union so the president of the European commission basically called this appeasement and the eu’s foreign policy Chief said that Mr Orban had no mandate from the uh European Council to come to Moscow well Victor Orban didn’t seem to care he said that this was the second part of a peace Mission he’d been in Kiev earlier in the week for talks with President zalinski we need to take many steps to move towards ending the war the first important step we’ve taken today restoring dialogue we are grateful to the Prime Minister for coming to Moscow we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue and move it on well once the Putin Orban talks were over we managed to get some reaction from the Hungarian foreign minister very strong words from Brussels appeasement you’re accused of okay once again we are a sovereign country and uh without dialogue without discussion without channels of communication to be kept open there will be no solution last 2 and a half years have made this very clear I think that Moscow often looks for opportunities to drive wedges between its opponents to so division in the west disunity and the Russians will be well aware of the Optics here the leader of a European country flying to Moscow holding talks with President Putin at a time when much of the West has been trying to isolate Russia because of the war in Ukraine Russia editor Steve Rosenberg there

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, in a visit that has been heavily criticised by EU leaders and Ukraine’s government.

Friday’s meeting was part of what Mr Orban called a “peace mission”, coming three days after a visit to Kyiv where he met Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Hungary has recently taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, but EU leaders have stressed that Mr Orban is not acting on behalf of the bloc.

Mr Orban is the EU’s only head of government to have kept close ties to the Kremlin following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

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  1. Putin to General: Did you take Kyiv in three days?
    General: No
    Putin: Did you take Odessa, Kharkiv, or Kherson?
    General: No
    Putin: Well then, what did you take in Ukraine?!
    General: Three washing machines, two toilets, and a fur coat!

  2. For a guy that only takes money never chips in gjt the biggest fin mouth helps out none of his alliances he's the biggest freeloader na d still betrays them

  3. Apparently comrade K Starmer’s first instructions for the entire populace is for everybody to openly identify as Gay and wear a mandatory red star at work on their shirt or blouse. Can’t wait πŸ‘

  4. EU most friendly leader right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Dud Russia destroyed your economy you still bluffing with your propaganda. You should kissing Orban's hands

  5. Europe never learned from the mistakes that led to its destruction. Latin America will be her refuge. I don't know if they will reach all the English in the Malvinas. Because in Africa they don't want them anymore

  6. Finally someone has grown some, manned up, done the adult thing and began peace talks, if anyone truly cares about Ukrainian people then stop the war asap

  7. China and Russia will NEVER cease the direction they have taken simply because they have declared a holy war….
    –>> Alvin Goldstein (January 10, 1936 – December 19, 2013) was an American pornographer. He is known for helping normalize hardcore pornography in the United States ..

    ->> The following countries have the highest estimated World War II casualties: the Soviet Union (20 to 27 million), China (15 to 20 million), Germany (6 to 7.4 million), Poland (5.9 to 6 million), Dutch East Indies/Indonesia (3 to 4 million), Japan (2.5 to 3.1 million), India (2.2 to 3 million), Yugoslavia (1 to 1.7 million), French Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, part of Vietnam) (1 to 2.2 million), and France (600,000)….

  8. He went to putin last year, when to see trump next, waited until Orban became the president of EU and went back straight to putin. This PO S scumbag should be removed from power and JAILED for life with putin and trump all together.

  9. Considering this dope does nothing but badmouth the EU, he won't leave it! He knows his country would collapse without EU support money!

  10. Why would Ukraine complain?? He went to Zelensky first , then to Putin (showing Zelensky more respect than he deserves). I don't believe Ukraine "complained" ; I also don't believe any EU leaders other than those from US/UK/Germany complained either. I imagine Portugal could not care less that Orban is trying to broker some kind of negotiated settlement…

  11. Putin wants to go back to good ole days. Back when he could invade his neighbors with no problems . Putler talking peace is a joke!! All Russia has to do is go home! If anything he needs time to regroup.

  12. You far leftist extremists at the beeb were clearly annoyed at Farage being elected. Ignore reform all you like but it's a democracy, a swear word to you.

  13. Viktor Orban should be praised, not criticized. He takes the peace initiative while all the others only seek to escalate the war. As a negotiator, he met with Zelensky and Putin, both sides of the conflict. There's nothing strange about it.

  14. Russia is in war with whole NATO, not Ukraine. Ukraine just throws own meat with western guns. Urban is trying to stop that by accelerating talking between Russia and Ukraine. War can't be stopped without agreement. Only retarded people think Ukraine has a chance to restore all territories.

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