Theres no reward for living in society anymore

sarah zedig!
of course no one wants to work,
there's no reward for living in
society anymore
4:36 AM . 24 Mar 22 . Twitter for Android
sarah zedig! o ' @hmsnofun . 22h
Replying to @hmsnofun
wow you mean i can work two jobs
where my bosses treat me like a machine
and the customers treat me like a verbal
punching bag so i can make rent in my
overpriced suburban duplex and then
never have free time ever again? golly
uncle sam i'm not sure i like your
freedom very much!

by beeucancallmepickle

  1. Why is this on r economy? You aren’t making an even remotely intelligent statement about anything and this belongs on r/antiwork. Are you twelve? Also people like you need to toughen up.  Yea the world sucks right now but using that as excuse for many members of your generation to act like whiny cry baby bitches is pathetic and the worst way that yall could possibly respond  

     I rarely see yall volunteering or running for office. I you do is whine and bitch. Meanwhile my generation experienced 9/11 when we turned 18. Then all the other horrors of the bush administration. Then the Great Recession. And trump and the pandemic and we still work hard and try to improve our communities 

  2. It’s funny that a lot of people are doing fine applying themselves. But the only ones we hear from are on the wifi from their mom’s house in the basement.

  3. They always want complete control and then fail embarass then someone saves the day

  4. Whenever I see posts like this, I always wonder what they imagine the rewards were in the past.

  5. Don’t live in that suburban duplex then. Get roommates. The average square foot per person has gone up consume less space. Live with other humans.

  6. Anime profile picture? Check.

    Watermelon emoji? Check.

    Dumb fuckin Tweet from someone who thinks their middle class suburban upbringing entitled them to a life where they wouldn’t have to apply themselves? I’m gonna say check on that. The pieces are there.

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