Hungary polling: TISZA’s support is just 9% under Fidesz’s

Hungary polling: TISZA’s support is just 9% under Fidesz’s

by MarderFucher

  1. Polling done by IDEA, who are known to be affiliated with DK, so somewhat suprising numbers from them.

    As expected after a succesful EP campaign and results, TISZA continues to soak up disillusioned opposition voters, uncertains and some Fidesz voters.

    The other opposition parties are melting with only DK being able to enter the assembly, plus the borderline nazi Our Home (MH) has now cemented a solid 5-6% support nationwide.

    Whetever TISZA can continue to grow is the big question, its leader Peter Magyar promised to visit every settlement in the country by 2026, although the guy is bit of a hothead and already had a mini scandal recently (which didnt seem to dent his support though).

  2. I’ve read a bit about Magyar and he was a Fidesz member from 2002 to 2024. You’re telling me he only noticed there was something wrong about that party earlier this year?

  3. No way Hungarian two tailed dog party is part of the EU parliament Green Party. Are they really that desperate after the previous election?

  4. Mi Hazánk and Tisztelet és Szabadság is the two most popular party online and engaging new voters.

    MKKP is a capital city thing and Momentum too but they lost popularity and likely they go down.

    My old favorite, Vona Gábor’s 2RK could have potential to reach 5% but thats all. As my favorite subjects were History & Geography, I already got intrigued by my nation’s history and met with Kárpátia back in 2007, I already were a fan of Jobbik in 2010 and Vona became my favorite politician, and later Schiffer too. Having sympathy for both the 1848 Left&Liberal and for the Radical Right, I understand both spectrum of those political parties and a person who has the spirit of 1848 and the Reform Age too I am very happy for his returning. But his bad timing is convinced me to vote for Magyar. Although besides that Toroczkai and Vona “hate” each other, I like both and I like Magyar too. But hate the rest by heart.

    As a well-off citizen with national sentiments and a sense of justice I cannot feel otherwise.

    Self-Identity still rocks no matter the fashion! \m/_

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